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Would you check your bank account?

I have the Natwest App on my Iphone4 which is not an ipad app yet but I would use it on my ipad if it was available
I have Bank of America and USAA. I have to say both apps are very good. I pay bills, transfers, everything with the apps.

On your iPad? I wonder if there is an app for my bank....I will have to check!

Even if you don't...as long as you see the little lock icon on the screen you're fine. Just like going there with your computer.

This is very true! I had forgotten about this...If the site is a secured site then it is a secure site.

I check my accounts, manage my stocks and such with iPad -- on 3G and private wi-fi. I never use wi-fi unless I know what type of security is being used, and who has access to it. All my banks have apps, as does the stock-trading company I use. It's as secure as checking my stuff online at home.

But you mainly check on 3G? I never use wifi, only here at home, and use 3G when out in the field.

I do it often daily. My bank kicks me out after 5 minutes and it requires 9 digit account number and 8 mixed character password every 5 minutes. It also knows my device. If it's not my phone or iPad, have to answer security questions and type in confidence word that matches contents of password. That's a lot to do for a bank account that's empty 75% of the time and bank has a limit of od purchases and
UR bases per day. No need to say I'm safe from I'd theft.

Side note: when my purchase for my iPad was put on hold, they called to make sure I authorized it because I had never withdrawn that much at once. Lol

Oh that is funny! And a good thing ~

My bank page does the same thing ~ can be annoying, but ultimately, in the end I am glad they do it.

I have the Natwest App on my Iphone4 which is not an ipad app yet but I would use it on my ipad if it was available

Well ~ iPhone peeps can scan their checks on their phones, right? And instant deposit? I about died when I saw that!

And there are Chase commercials all over here advocating that. Very cool. Although I have direct dep, our mileage check is not.

Nor do I have an iPhone.:(
Kaykaykay said:
I check my accounts, manage my stocks and such with iPad -- on 3G and private wi-fi. I never use wi-fi unless I know what type of security is being used, and who has access to it. All my banks have apps, as does the stock-trading company I use. It's as secure as checking my stuff online at home.

Yep. The stupidest thing you can do is check your account on public free wifi. :)
I access my bank accounts regularly using the bank's app, which really just makes sure the URL is correct.

You need to be sure that the URL is secure (https) as indicated by the padlock.

My security WiFi is WPA (Personal) with MAC address filtering.

The only fraud that I have ever experienced was with iTunes. I got my money back and now only leave my credit card details on iTunes briefly, when I want to buy something.

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