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Would you have still bought the ipad if it ran android?

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jmorton10 said:
I would buy it in a heartbeat, to get a tablet that runs as well as the iPad but gets around the absurd apple newby restrictions would be heaven to me.

Having to go through pages and pages of icons may be OK on a phone, but it really is kinda silly on a tablet (the widgets in my DroidX phone are totally awesome)

100% agree here!

I still have the iPad 1, so at least I get to have my widgets on my "iOS" iPad (SmartScreen - jailbreak only though)! :-)
As an avid Android fan and user, no way in hell I would buy the iPad if it ran Android. The OS just isn't there yet. Too many bugs. I love iOS because it just works.
Probably. It would be the best Android tablet out there, hardware wise.

I hate to break it to you, but the Xoom hardware is much better than the iPad 2.

I would buy it in a heartbeat, to get a tablet that runs as well as the iPad but gets around the absurd apple newby restrictions would be heaven to me.

That is why I would prefer the Xoom run iOS. It would be like a better, faster iPad that has SD Card slot. :D
But it's not just down to 'better'ness.

The xoom looks crap when compared to the iPad looks desirable and sexy.

If we could separately choose our hardware and software os, ie, like mix and match, I'm sure the design, look and feel of the iPad would instantly win over the xoom hardware any day of the week.
It's the whole customer experience, not just the spec on paper
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I was all set to buy the xoom due to it's better specs, it having flash, and customization. Then I went to a Verizon store and played with one and was very unimpressed with it especially when compared to the iPads across the store. It was just so slow, I wasn't a fan of the hardware buttons being replaced with soft buttons on the screen, even the power button was awkward (on the back for some reason). Just goes to show you, specs are nice but it's the total experience that really matters.

So no, I wouldn't buy the iPad if it ran android.
Probably. It would be the best Android tablet out there, hardware wise.

I hate to break it to you, but the Xoom hardware is much better than the iPad 2.

I would buy it in a heartbeat, to get a tablet that runs as well as the iPad but gets around the absurd apple newby restrictions would be heaven to me.

That is why I would prefer the Xoom run iOS. It would be like a better, faster iPad that has SD Card slot. :D

First, having an SD slot and having a WORKIING SD slot are NOT the same things. Believe me it's a source of much frustration from current Xoom owners as referenced here and here. I have owned a Xoom. I was as close to an Android Fanboy as they come. I HATED the iPad and made fun of it for a year, knowing in the back of my mind that I was missing out on something pretty special. I waited, read rumors, did my research, jumped for joy at the announcement of Honeycomb and the Xoom, pre-ordered it, got it on launch day and SOLD it 3 weeks later. It has potential BUT it is not ready.

Are you asking are there things from Xoom/Android that would be wonderful if properly integrated into the iPad? YES! The perfect product would be if the iPad and Xoom had a baby. The "theoretical" SD slot would be nice, the ability to manage files more easily would be wonderful, widgets are AMAZING but the ability to have apps and media developed for your platform all the while running without and millions of bugs and force closes you deal with everyday in the OS would be nice.
First, having an SD slot and having a WORKIING SD slot are NOT the same things. .

And there is also a big difference between having NO SD slot, and having one that currently not working properly. At least the one that is included can be corrected with proper firmware.

Don't get me wrong, though. I am eagerly awaiting my iPad 2 (should be here on May 9th.) I just wish it had a SD card slot and didn't require iTunes for file management. (Better quality cameras would be nice, too.) But in the overall scheme of things, I was willing to live with those negatives over the competition. It will be my first Apple product.

Back to almost OT: I would love it if the iPad 2 could dual boot giving an option for iOS or Android.
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You really can't win with any of the tablets right now, none of them are perfect.

It's really too bad because the iPad 2 could have easily been darn near perfect if you could turn flash on/off, it supported USB hard drives, had decent quality cameras and supported drag and drop file support.

Of course if it did those things, nobody would buy an ipad3 and apple knows it. I really like my ipad2, but if they ever get an android tablet working like it is supposed to I would buy one immediately (I also bought/returned a xoom)
I was all set to buy the xoom due to it's better specs, it having flash, and customization. Then I went to a Verizon store and played with one and was very unimpressed with it especially when compared to the iPads across the store. It was just so slow, I wasn't a fan of the hardware buttons being replaced with soft buttons on the screen, even the power button was awkward (on the back for some reason). Just goes to show you, specs are nice but it's the total experience that really matters.

So no, I wouldn't buy the iPad if it ran android.

Same I went to play with a zoom and the screen alone turned me off. I just couldnt do it, the interest wasnt enough to drop 6 bills. Plus I dont have a lot of faith in Motorola.
the apple camera kit gives you USB and sd/mmc, yes an extra thing to carry, but you can always transfer the files onto the iPad

super files app gives you access to the local storage, or rather allows you to add and delete file but not system files, also has other functions like FTP etc, well worth buying.... and no I am not the programmer for it :p

but I do agree that flash would have been nice to have without haven't to mess about
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Just curious cause everyone says android is the future. I know apple will never run android on a an iPad but let's just say out if the blue they did....would you be for or against it? I fiddled around with the xoom the other day to get an idea of how honeycomb works but it's just too confusing to me. The whole wimblets things just isnt for me.

Put my phones abilities in an iPad case/screen and I'd be all over it, even if I had to use 2x apps like I do with iPhone apps on my iPad that don't have an iPad equivalent.
My Incredible requires no work arounds to do what I want/need it to do. it truly is capable of replacing my desktop except for the screen size. I have 7 home screens with 7 DifferenT custom wallpapers,custom made icons for every app and widget, a custom dock bar with 15 apps in it, all done with free apps and no root or jailbreak involved. If I need to upload,download, side load, whatever load I don't have to move from this app to that to do so. I can manipulate the photo gallery how I see fit, get music from several sources, most of which are free, make my own notification tones and use them how I see fit, use the keyboard I choose, TRUE multitask including having a hidden app that I slide up while in any other app that opens up 15 more icons for apps or widgets another app that looks and acts like a volume controller until I tap a certain spot, then it asks for a password to access ANY files I have in it for protection. I could go on.
As is, Android for tablets isn't ready for prime time imo.
I don't care about 4g abilities and all the future stuff of the Xoom, it's buggy now and the future is now to me.
I like the feel and quality of my iPad case/screen above anything else on the market

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I like both software choices, but I'm not keen on the Xoom with honeycomb. I prefer FroYo or ice cream (2.3)

Sent from my Desire HD using iPad Forums
Put my phones abilities in an iPad case/screen and I'd be all over it, even if I had to use 2x apps like I do with iPhone apps on my iPad that don't have an iPad equivalent.
My Incredible requires no work arounds to do what I want/need it to do. it truly is capable of replacing my desktop except for the screen size. I have 7 home screens with 7 DifferenT custom wallpapers,custom made icons for every app and widget, a custom dock bar with 15 apps in it, all done with free apps and no root or jailbreak involved. If I need to upload,download, side load, whatever load I don't have to move from this app to that to do so. I can manipulate the photo gallery how I see fit, get music from several sources, most of which are free, make my own notification tones and use them how I see fit, use the keyboard I choose, TRUE multitask including having a hidden app that I slide up while in any other app that opens up 15 more icons for

apps or widgets another app that looks and acts like a volume controller until
I tap a certain spot, then it asks for a password to access ANY files I have in it for protection. I could go on.

As is, Android for tablets isn't ready for prime time imo.
I don't care about 4g abilities and all the future stuff of the Xoom, it's buggy now and the future is now to me.
I like the feel and quality of my iPad case/screen above anything else on the market


I agree 100%, my DroidX is a true laptop replacement also except for the screen size.

My ipad2 is a nice companion to a LT or a droid phone, but can't stand on it's own really. There are simply too many things you can't do on an iPad.
I like Android, have a Droid phone. I got an iPad 2 and love it. But, in a few years I can see Android becoming better. Right now it is lacking in apps and support.
Sendbeer said:
I was all set to buy the xoom due to it's better specs, it having flash, and customization. Then I went to a Verizon store and played with one and was very unimpressed with it especially when compared to the iPads across the store. It was just so slow, I wasn't a fan of the hardware buttons being replaced with soft buttons on the screen, even the power button was awkward (on the back for some reason). Just goes to show you, specs are nice but it's the total experience that really matters.

So no, I wouldn't buy the iPad if it ran android.

I did the same a few weeks ago. I thought it was funny that Verizon was told by apple that the Xoom could not be placed next to the iPad.
I also liked the size of the Xoom it's skinnier so you can hold it better in portrait mode. My preferred mode.
However it is heavy and the screen is not as bright, now I've been told the Xoom displays are turned down, to a dimmer setting. I don't know if that is true or not. Really don't matter cause I'm in love with my pad!

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