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Yahoo mail connection failure

Have been getting email on iPod and iPad. Then 3 days ago both stopped working. Not able to connect message.
It looks for "apple.imap.mail.yahoo.com"
Also Iam repeatedly asked for password.
I didd the hard reset, delete and ad new mail acc etc. still no luck!!
I have the same issue. Ipad2 gives intermittent will not connect to server messages when checking my yahoo email. A second yahoo mail account on the same machine never has this problem and the mail pushes to my iphone4, macbook and imac with no problems.
All settings seem to be identical and connect over the same airport.
I've tried all the reset suggestions to no avail.
Is there a solution?
Does yahoo show any interest in finding a fix?
Have you changed your Yahoo mail password lately ?

This was my problem. I logged into my Yahoo mail from another computer and for other reasons changed my password. When I subsequently tried to access on my iPad2, I got the not-very-helpful message "The connection to the server failed". Once I entered the new password in my iPad2 settings, everything was fine.
i am from the future, 2014 and am unable to get mail on my ipad. it tells me "cannot get mail connection to server has failed" has anyone figured this out? mail is working on my desktop and ipod touch but not on my ipad which i am using now. nothing since last night. i did remove some contact privileges from cnet and a couple other spam sources. ???
I will try in this orders
1. Go to settings, mail/calendar/contact, then the email account you're having problem with, re-sign in. A lot of us change password but forgot to make the changes in all devices.
2. Hard reboot of iPad by pressing the on/off switch and the home button at the same time until you see an apple logo appears.
3. Go back to settings to delete the mail account and re-add it.
4. I tried all the above and they didn't work, apple help ask me to use "other" when setting up the email account. So I had to manually enter the provider's info (which I copied from my iPhone) and it worked.

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