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You can now get VLC for iPad in the App Store


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In all the time that I’ve owned a computer I’ve never stumbled upon a video player software that can work better than VLC. Face it, VLC can read and fix any defective or weird video you might have lying around without breaking a sweat.

Now, the famous multimedia player is available again in the App Store. Before it was decided that the VLC had to be withdrawn from iOS use, the application was downloaded by millions of users across the world wh​​o were aware of its benefits. Nevertheless, from now on, they can enjoy an updated perfect version of VLC. From the official statement:

“Today, it’s my pleasure to announce that VLC for iOS is back on the App Store. It’s available free of charge in any country, requires iOS 5.1 or later and runs on any iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. This is more than an upgrade of the initial version: it’s a full re-write. From the ground-up.”

VideoLan completely remade the application as to include support for the AirPlay system. On top of that, it implemented new methods of uploading films into the application, as well as the possibility of adding video filters in real time. The possibility of modifying the speed at which you render the videos has been added, plus the ability to pre-view the subtitles you are going to add for movies. Dropbox integration represents a new feature, as well. The new version of VLC will be available in the Open Source format and developers will have a SDK at their disposal. Other features include:
  • Wi-Fi Upload - Allows users to upload files directly to the iOS version of VLC through a web browser on the PC or Mac.
  • Download from Web - Download files from any web server for offline playback
  • Network Streams - Play any network streams support by VLC media player for desktop operating systems
  • 3rd-Party App Integration - Any app with a ‘share’ dialog can use VLC for iOS for media playback
Source: Gizmodo
AppStore Link to VLC
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Not currently available in the UK store, but downloadable

In the UK store, clicking on the VLC for IOS icon to see the description shows the message - "not currently available in the UK store". Clicking the "free" button downloads it. Strange.
Reviews don't look too promising. Seems to be audio problems. So far I'm currently using avplayer HD and that plays my mkv files just fine. No conversion needed.

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