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YouTube download speeds?


iPF Noob
Mar 3, 2011
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My iPad 2 is ridiculously slow at downloading any YouTube videos, even low quality 1-2 min videos sometimes take 5-10 min to watch. I know it is not my wi-fi connection because my windows laptop will play even long hd videos without any buffering. Anyone else have this problem?
Try using a speedtest app on your iPad. If speeds are slow compared to your laptop I would also consider changing channels on you wifi router. My iPad gets similar speeds to my laptops around my house. Do speed tests from different locations in your house and compare with your laptop?

Let us know if this helps.

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Pirahna said:
My iPad 2 is ridiculously slow at downloading any YouTube videos, even low quality 1-2 min videos sometimes take 5-10 min to watch. I know it is not my wi-fi connection because my windows laptop will play even long hd videos without any buffering. Anyone else have this problem?

I have the same exact situation.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
I would change er experiment with your router settings. Try disabling vendor specific speed enhancers. Try enabling wireless B or G settings only. Some have claimed all router N speeds may not always be compatible with IDevices.

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If you've done an update lately to your iPad OS there is a known issue that affects some by slowing their wifi to about half its normal speed.
To remedy it go into settings, general, reset, reset network settings. It will act like it's doing a factory reset but it is only resetting your network and won't erase anything else.
After the reset input your settings for your router and see if it helps.
Some have suggested hold the power button and home button at the same time for about 15-20 seconds then leaving it off for at least a minute fixes theirs

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I have the same problem with an iPad 1, you can go to speediest.net and download a speed-test app which measure your upload and down load speeds.

I found that my download speed is less than .5 megabytes(yuk) and uploads speeds in the 4 megabyte range, the download is definitely my problem.

I went to my routers settings and figured that the problem may be related to the multiple channel b,g &n setting. I haven't Had time to set the router to N only to see if that helps. Even if it does, I have to older laptops without N capability.

I'd be curious what others find
I just try the reset on the network settings, my average speeds have gone up! I'm a bit surprised, instead of averaging .4mb I'm not averaging about .6mb. Did it help, who knows.

What is the speed the ipad1 capable of?
I had the same problem, but then I called my ISP and they changed some wireless setting and now I m getting way better streaming speed. Work on your wifi setings!
It is almost always the wifi settings in my experience.

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  • image-269490642.png
    130.8 KB · Views: 402
Rog said:
It is almost always the wifi settings in my experience.

Attached a pick of my download speed.

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I'm not sure I remember those setting right now, you should call your service provider and tell them about this problem.
I really don't think it's the ISP. I've done more testing and netted no better results.

I ensured that I had the latest firmware on my linksys wrt160n router, I confirmed this with cisco. I fired up my laptop and ran the same speed tests and found that the speeds are where they should be for my wireless. My laptops download speeds are anywhere from 6 to 10mbps, this is what I pay for.

I've try all the different channels and settings on the router with no success, actually any changes made the connection speed worse.

I'm not really sure where to go next with this, maybe i'll try my neighbors wifi to see if my speeds vary. If by going to a different wireless network improves the speed my guess is my router may not be functioning or compatible with my iPad.

I think I've made some progress, I changed my router setting from mixed to B/G. My speeds have drastically improved to what's expected.

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