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Youtube video downloads ?


iPF Noob
Hi, is there anyway i can download youtube videos to ipad? I did find an app called mxtube, but the problem is i need the videos that are downloaded to be stored in the photos folder of my ipad so that i can use them with another app that i have that only takes things from the photos folder. Unfortunatly mxtube saves the videos somewhere else. Thanks
Hi, is there anyway i can download youtube videos to ipad? I did find an app called mxtube, but the problem is i need the videos that are downloaded to be stored in the photos folder of my ipad so that i can use them with another app that i have that only takes things from the photos folder. Unfortunatly mxtube saves the videos somewhere else. Thanks

Although I'm not familiar with this particular app, what happens if you touch and hold the icon of the video in the MxTube folder? A pop-up box should appear offering you the 'Open in' option.

Alternatively, you could transfer the video files off the iPad - again, not sure what capability MxTube has for this - and then re-import them, when the iPad would hopefully recognise them as being compatible with the iPad's native Photo folder.

Hi, is there anyway i can download youtube videos to ipad? I did find an app called mxtube, but the problem is i need the videos that are downloaded to be stored in the photos folder of my ipad so that i can use them with another app that i have that only takes things from the photos folder. Unfortunatly mxtube saves the videos somewhere else. Thanks

Welllll if you have mxtube...which isn't in the app store....I'm guessing you're jail broken? You could use ifile to navigate and copy the file to your photo's section.
On official iOS:
For videos...try tagdisk hd+ in the app store...there is a free & paid version.

To rip audio from YT vid...copy the youtube link/URL into:
paste the link into the designated box.
Click on ‘Convert Video’.
Afterwards, the site would process the video, then convert it to MP3. All you have to do is download the file and you are done!
You may have to use a 3rd party browser with download capability....iCab or atomic browser are best for this.

On JB iOS:
For videos:~YouTube HD will integrate into the native YouTube app with a downloads tab on bottom.
For audio ripping:~ use YoutubeToMp3 - copy link/URL into field and let it do it's thing..then you can import into iPod app.
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Yes there is but you have to have a real computer to do it well.

Get on a real computer which is one with a Windows operating system and download iTunes for free. Then download RealPlayer for free.

Then go to YouTube and find your target video. When you start to play it a little box will pop up and ask if you want to download to RealPlayer. Tell it yes.

Once you have downloaded your favored videos into RealPlayer it will give you the chance to convert them into any format you can name, including iPad. Once it is done converting it will ask you if you want to dump those conversions into iTunes. So of course you tell it "yes" When you connect your iPad to the real computer it will synch all of your videos in a few minutes. There you have them. No muss, no fuss, and no cost.

If you do not have access to a real computer running a real operating system you are on your own for doing things the hard way.

Apple/iPad is sort of a niche deal but if you live in the USA you can go to newegg.com and find the netbook on sale for $240 that runs Windows and you will have a 240 dollar accessory to you iPad which is also ten times the computer to boot.

But if you hate Windows and you want to be all Apple iPad all the time you will either pay out the nose or do without.

The truth sometimes hurts but that does not keep it from being the truth.

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