Sorry, Been away for a while. I'd like to get caught up on the questions you've asked in my absence.
- Super Glue shouldn't damage the case, it just seems a bit drastic
- I'm trying out new feet and I'll report back. If we find a significantly better set, you will be able to call customer service and get them at no charge. As it is, we can send the current ones to you at no charge if necessary.
- Bluetooth speakers COULD work but QUALITY speakers would add alot of cost and some weight to the case and would likely price it out of the market. Further, rumor has it Apple's next iPad will have even better speakers. Let's see.
- Siouxzie- The space bar should be no more difficult than any other key. I've seen cases where something got under the key or the black plastic under the keys gets folded up under a key along an edge (near spacebar or Caps lock, etc.). This can be easily fixed by looking closely at the area and if you see a very thin paper looking thing sticking up a bit, just help it find its way under the edge and it will be taken care of forever.
- It is very unlikely that we will update the current model in any meaningful way unless Apple decides to extend the iPad 1 into the future, like 3GS and iphone 4. The product is only 2 months and nearing the end of iPad 1 life cycle. Of course, things change, so this is no promise, just the facts.
- We've talked about the cutout location before, perhaps in the other thread here. Long Story short, we put it on the left to make sure the buttons were protected when closed. Much more thought went into it than that and I've detailed it on the other long thread here.
- Richgalen- Glad to hear your ZAGGmate protected your iPad in the drop. It is very good at that.