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auto location not turning off?


iPF Noob
Jan 4, 2011
Reaction score
I have tried 2 apps that uses location services: an alarm clock that provides weather report for current location and a street navigator software.

Before starting the app, i made sure location services in settings. After starting the apps mentioned above, they both enabled location services. but after exiting both apps (via program exit as provided at the app or closing the app in the bar below), location services was never turned off.

Any ideas? Thank you :)

ps. I'm using a jailbroken 4.3.3 ipad1.
Auto Location is a great tweak, but you have to understand how it works.

First off, location services need to be authorised to each app that wants to use them. Auto Location DOES NOT do this for you.
So the first time you use any app which needs location services you must switch on Location services manually, start the app and authorise it at the inital prompt, exit the app, and TURN OFF location services manaully.

Then Auto Location will take over and switch on and off location services whenever needed when you use your apps, but ONLY for apps which have been authorised using the method above.

Hope that helps.
Then Auto Location will take over and switch on and off location services whenever needed when you use your apps, but ONLY for apps which have been authorised using the method above.

Hope that helps.

both apps I mentioned are authorized in the location services settings. :)
OK. But did you follow and understand the process I explained? If I did what you describe in your original posts, location services will be left ON. This is expected.

It is only after apps have been authorised and fully closed down AND location services turned OFF manually, that Auto Location will work the NEXT time you start the program and shut off correctly when you exit.

Also, are both apps running still in the background when you exit them? Navigation in particular will keep location services running all the time, so unless you close it fully (not just background it), it will not get shut off.

You can easily test things now if you have both apps authorised.

1. Turn OFF location services.
2. Start the App - Auto location should enable location services for you.
3. Exit the App
4. Check location services - they should be off.
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You can easily test things now if you have both apps authorised.

1. Turn OFF location services.
2. Start the App - Auto location should enable location services for you.
3. Exit the App
4. Check location services - they should be off.

both apps I mentioned are "on" in location services settings. I assume that means they are both authorized.

I somehow doubt auto location has something to do with an app being authorized since these settings were available even b4 installed the cydia app.

I followed steps 1 to 3. except that when i exited the street navigator (using the built-in exit), it left a background process. I have to use remove background to kill it. And 10mins after "removing background", location services is still on.
seems to be working now. and didnt do anything different :|

thank you :)

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