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3194 error, need suggestion ~ 4th day I'm trying ~ still no luck

Hi ALcH3Mi5T

as you suggest to rejailbreak when i get loop of restore

then i get lot of errors and NAND Mismatch.. the it keep on going please wait

like so manytimes

so i put back to in restore mode and loaded 4.3.5 now with Itunes.

( hope so manytimes iam jailbreaking and loading OS with Itunes, my ipad will not go bad for sure, any limitation how manytimes i can do the same procedure again and again ?)

let me explain again what my box

its ipad1 with wifi and 3g come with 3.2.2

now iam upgraded to 4.3.5 using itunes

used rednow rc16 with IOS 4.3.3 to jailbreak

i follow all the steps, and i see restore icon, as mentioned the forum support people, i booted DFU mode and "Just boot tethered right now" later i see on screen pineapple icon, and hangs there..still iam not able to jailbreak and see cydia on my ipad screen

kindly some one sugggest me where iam doing wrong, what iam doing wrong

help appriciated

Hi f4780y

iam not able to find the correct link to download

http://blog.iphone-dev.org/redsn0w-iOS5 the URL just loading no results

BETA, did not find the correct one
can you point me right URL for the same to download

the steps are the same to follow right except BETA redsnow

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ok at last the page loaded,

is this correct one which you are mentioning in the forum

redsn0w 0.9.8b4 for Windows

kindly confirm and document says i need to use 4.3.4 to jailbreak

but my OS is 4.3.5 ipad1 wifi and 3g

But i see another problem. my ibooks not working
i have done reinstall also. it open and closes

any idea ?

You don't have SHSH Blobs for 4.3.3, so no. Nothing has changed since your initial post.

iam having some problem tethered device ipad1
when ever i open safari, after 2 or 3 browse my safari closing automatically

so i have decided to go with orginal version of 4.3.5 from apple

so can i tethered ipad1 convert to orginal ipad1 version of 4.3.5

if yes, can some one guide me how i can do that.

thanks wait for suggestions

Just set your ipad1 to DFU Mode... Itunes will automatically detects it. The rest is auto... Refer thread DFU For Dummies...

iam able to restored back to Orginal IPAD1 version

can i only install Cydia ? without tethered or untethereing ?

talk2ram said:

iam able to restored back to Orginal IPAD1 version

can i only install Cydia ? without tethered or untethereing ?


I don't think it will work that way... You have to be jailbroken...

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