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3G vs Wifi


iPF Novice
If I have both my Celluar data on and am connected to an available wifi, but 3G has a stronger signal, should I turn off Wifi to take advantage of the better 3G signal, or will Safari and apps automatically is the stronger signal to get data in and out?
The iPad always uses Wifi over 3G, regardless of the signal strength.

You should keep in mind, that a weak wifi signal may still give you a faster Internet connection then a strong 3G connection, if the wifi is connected to a broadband router.

Otherwise just choose, which one the cheaper option is for you.
Don't is right, which is only to be expected. :)

If you are ever in doubt as to how your iPad is accessing the internet it's pretty easy to tell, once you know what you are looking at.

If the iPad is on WiFi, it says iPad in the left corner and shows a fan shaped signal strength indicator. If it's on 3G it will display your carrier's name, say 3G, and show signal strength by a series of bars. On AT&T it might show an E (or E something, can't remember at the moment) which means you are on their slower Edge network. If it has neither of these, but shows signal strength you have an even older and slower connection. Short of getting text messages it's all but useless that way.

One more, if it's connected to your iPhone's hotspot via bluetooth it says iPad and you get a little two link chain icon. I noticed that when I was experimenting the other day.
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I believe that as long as the "fan" is displayed the iPad is using wifi. With AT&T 3G=3G, E=EDGE, and a small circle=GPRS. You will seldom see GPRS, which is half the speed/bandwidth of EDGE. (GPRS occupies one GSM voice slot and EDGE occupies 2. Probably more than you wanted to know... :D)
dragon499 said:
twerppoet is not correct. With Both wifi and AT&T 3g my Ipad displays both the AT&T signal as well as the wifi one.

In fact, when both the 3G signal strength and the wifi symbol is shown, then the iPad connects to the Internet via Wifi only. Try it, remove the cable going from the phone socket to the wireless modem. The iPad will not be able to connect to the Internet, because it always connects via Wifi over 3G, even when the wifi is not connected to the internet.

The reason it shows both signals in the top left corner, is that the iPad is connected to both, 3G and wifi, so in case you loose either one connection, the other one can be used immediately.
dragon499 said:
twerppoet is not correct. With Both wifi and AT&T 3g my Ipad displays both the AT&T signal as well as the wifi one.

Ack! You are right, though it will still show the fan shaped signal stength indicator when you are on WiFi. Thats what I get for trying that detailed a description from memory.

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