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did my JB using redsnow on ipad1.

Ipad stuck on “downloading jailbreak data" and PC stuck at “uploading ramdisk”. how long does it take for these process take? reboot and redo several times, mine stuck at this process each time for more than half hour.

mskhs said:
did my JB using redsnow on ipad1.

Ipad stuck on “downloading jailbreak data" and PC stuck at “uploading ramdisk”. how long does it take for these process take? reboot and redo several times, mine stuck at this process each time for more than half hour.



You have to abort the whole process and start again.
Next time run redsn0w in XP SP3 compatibility mode and as an administrator, then it won't get stuck on uploading ramdisk.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
You don't need an active Internet connection during the jailbreak process, as long as you download the two above linked files before you upgrade the iphone's firmware are you fine, as the rest is carried out offline.

However, you will need Internet to redownload MyWi. Even if you backup everything with pkgbackup, would you need Internet to download pkgbackup, before you can restore your other Cydia apps&settings.

Thank you so much. But if my phone goes thru the jb process completely, In cydia, can i add sinful to the packages and get mywi from there? My phone is 3g.

I got confused when you said I would need internet to get mywi, because I thought that could be done on my phone and through the cydia app.

When you say back up using the pkgbackup, does that save my jb settings and everything I downloaded in my current jb?

I am sorry, but just want to make sure I do this correctly.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
That works.

I didn't consider that your phone must have a 3G connection, when you usually use MyWi. So yes, after the jb., you can just redownload MyWi.

Thank you so much. I will be pretty busy this weekend jb'n my phone. and my new ipad 2 is comin Thursday and need to get acquainted with that. So my hands r full. If only they can get us a jb for the new ipad 2.

Thanks again. 
I have a 30 gig Ipad Wifi with firmware 4.3 I followed the video exactly, and the reboot works, it shows cydia on the third screen, but it is a white icon, when i click it, the screen goes black for a second, then goes back to the desktop screen. if i press the home button twice it shows the cydia app running, if i click it, it does black for a second, then just back to screen. am totally new to the ipad and jailbreaking. Wanted to jailbreak so i could flash. I'm surei messed something up, just not sure what.
im running TETHERED 4.2.1 on my ipad 1. Trying to install 4.3.1 over itunes, then install the untethered JB.
It wont install the 4.3.1 over itunes, get an error. Do I need to do anything special if im running tethered 4.2.1?
I guess i just let it do that officially before following JB?? 1 contains bug fixes and also because it easier to upgrade without jailbreak.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
That works.

I didn't consider that your phone must have a 3G connection, when you usually use MyWi. So yes, after the jb., you can just redownload MyWi.

I am confused do I suppose to DL the 4.3.1 update with the JB only. Or update my software in itunes for the latest firmware? I ask because it says update to latest firmware but JB'rs and Unlockers to stay away. Which one am I doing? both? Someone please help or private me. Thanks
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
That works.

I didn't consider that your phone must have a 3G connection, when you usually use MyWi. So yes, after the jb., you can just redownload MyWi.

I am confused do I suppose to DL the 4.3.1 update with the JB only. Or update my software in itunes for the latest firmware? I ask because it says update to latest firmware but JB'rs and Unlockers to stay away. Which one am I doing? both? Someone please help or private me. Thanks

The first time i tried I left my ipad at 4.3 and jailbroke it using the 4.3.1 file and redsnow. It looked like everything worked fine. But Cydia was unclickable. Did a restore updated my ipad to itunes to 4.3.1 washed rinsed repeated and it is working like a dream.
Jailbreak Questions

I have an ipad 1 already upgraded to 4.3.1. Want to jailbreak (I have not done it b4). Everything I read says to download the firmware ipsw onto my desktop. Every location I go to it down loads a zip file and when I extract it here is no ipsw file. So here are my questions

- various tutorials say to hit the shift key and the restore button in itunes and then selection the ipsw file I downloaded - I can find that from my original install of 4.3.1 but it is NOT in the downloaded file I mention above - so can I point to the actual file buried down in some subfolders?
- do I even need to do this if I have already installed 4.3.1?
- If I just run redsn0w it also wants me to find the 4.3.1 ispw file - again same questions as above?

basically I can't seem to even get started as I don't know if it is safe to link to the actual ipsw file and secondly why when I am down loading from the links for the ipsw file am I getting the zip file and no ipsw file?

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