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4 bad iPads. Dust and dead pixels on new iPad

I own 2 iPhones and finally decided to buy an iPad, actually 2, one for myself and one for my fiancé. On launch night we purchased a 16gb black wifi model at our local Walmart. After about and hour so, we noticed the screen had 2 dead pixels. So we returned it for a refund and went to our local BestBuy today and purchased two black 16gb wifi models. They both had dead pixels or dust under the screen. So we returned to BestBuy and showed it to multiple employees and the store manager. While on my way back to the store I called the Apple support number to report the issue. The Apple guy said it was probably a bad batch.

We ended up getting 2 16gb white models. I am using one now to type this message. It's screen is flawless. Unfortunately, the other white iPad has two dead pixels. So I am returning to BestBuy in the morning to exchange the white one for another.

I didn't think it was possible to have this much bad luck with a product. I am still a huge Apple fan and will continue to purchase Apple products. It must be Samsung's quality control. At least I have one flawless iPad. If I have to pay $200 extra to get a flawless 64GB model I will.
Next time buy it at apple. Maybe sometimes the way the retailers treat the boxes of devices may cause this issue. I never had a pixel issue, all iPads and iPhones owned all purchased from apple, except my iPhone 2G.
I'm seriously wondering if this issue is due to the device having 4X the number of pixels...and those pixels all being much smaller than before. Apple may have a QC problem here that they need to address.
Were they iPad 3s? If so im surprised so many were available. Anyway, my iPad 2 is perfect. My iPhone 3GS had dust under the screen but only after I dropped it so i probably shook something loose.
AQ_OC said:
I'm seriously wondering if this issue is due to the device having 4X the number of pixels...and those pixels all being much smaller than before. Apple may have a QC problem here that they need to address.

I can understand your Opinion about the issue but first consider the numbers sold to the number of units with less than perfect screens. Issues if you will.
All electronics manufactured in great numbers have a certain number with flaws. They can not check every one. Apple is best in the industry at what they do. They will satisfy anyone's problem with a smile and an apology. They are the most relaxed when it comes to exchanges and returns. They can afford to be.
Your wrong to think Apple has a quality control issue. In general terms of buying the technology these days, Apple is your best bet. Never a sure thing in this world but definitely your best bet to avoid issues and to resolve them when they arise.
The only thing your statement has going for it is that with the new regime no one can be sure Apple will be exactly what it was/ is when Steve Jobs was making history with his products. I'lladmit my fingers are crossed to see Apple thrive with the same swagger they have now and had in the Jobs era.
Yes they were iPad 3's or the new iPad. I returned the other white one this morning at BestBuy. Got into the car turned it on and went to a completely white screen. It too had a brown spec at the bottom of the screen. So guess what? I returned it too.. They gave me another white 16gb, after inspecting it for about five minutes I determined it had no dead pixels or visible dust or random particles under the screen or LCD. So now we (my fiancé and I) have two flawless iPads.

One strange thing is that the BestBuy representative grabbed another previously return white iPad for comparison purposes. It had a clearly visible dead pixel in the middle of the screen. They saw it and acknowledged the dead pixel. I asked them point blank if they are going to return the unit to Apple and they said no. They are going to repackage the item and sell it to another customer with the dead pixel. Clearly I were this customer I wouldn't accept the unit with a dead pixel in the center of the screen.

I bet the previous buyer returned it because. The dead pixel was in the center of the screen. I too am surprised that BestBuy has this many in stock. I still have my receipt proving how many times I had to return the items until I found the two perfect iPads.
Sorry to hear about your issues with bad pixels. This is something I dread and won't tolerate myself, having swapped monitors and DSLR camera's for bad pixels in the past, especially so when the item is quite expensive. Generally bad pixel issues tend to manifest themselves either immediately when 1st switching it on for first time or within the first few days. Though obviously they can fail at any time, IME if you survive the first few days without any problems it will likely go on for years without pixel issues, but of course you never know. Luckily so far my new iPad3 64/4g has been fine.. so keeping my fingers crossed.

Hope your next one is perfect and remains so. :-)
Apple may have a QC problem here that they need to address.


I think the dead pixel thing is becoming an issue for a few people now - I got a call from the courier today, they will be uplifting my 64gb 4G iPad with at least 3 dead pixels and the girl there said they had been super busy dealing with returns/replacements. Apple are sending me a new one and letting me keep the old one till my new one gets here. I'll report back on the replacement's screen as soon as I get it. :thumbs:

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