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Found dead pixel and dust under screen


iPF Noob
Hi all need advice. I did a dead pixel test and found a dead pixel right at the middle of the screen. Also there is some small dust particle under the glass. Will i be getting a replacement with the issues described? If i do get one is there any change that they will replace mine with a 4th gen?
Mrik said:
Hi all need advice. I did a dead pixel test and found a dead pixel right at the middle of the screen. Also there is some small dust particle under the glass. Will i be getting a replacement with the issues described? If i do get one is there any change that they will replace mine with a 4th gen?

Hi and welcome to the Forum!

Apple will replace your iPad for dead pixels and your replacement will be the same model you already have.

Apple has been doing upgrades to the new iPad depending on when you bought yours.......I believe the timeline was within 30 days of purchase and you will need to pay whatever difference there is on price. No harm in asking if your iPad was recently purchased.
Hi all need advice. I did a dead pixel test and found a dead pixel right at the middle of the screen. Also there is some small dust particle under the glass. Will i be getting a replacement with the issues described? If i do get one is there any change that they will replace mine with a 4th gen?

G'day and also welcome to the forum. Just wondering, how does one carry out a "dead pixel test"? Deep down I'm not sure I want to know if any of my pixels have died
Regards, Andrew

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
leelai said:
Hi and welcome to the Forum!

Apple will replace your iPad for dead pixels and your replacement will be the same model you already have.

Apple has been doing upgrades to the new iPad depending on when you bought yours.......I believe the timeline was within 30 days of purchase and you will need to pay whatever difference there is on price. No harm in asking if your iPad was recently purchased.

Yes i purchased it almost 3 weeks back. Called apple but they said they didn't offer such 30 day replacement.
The OB said:
G'day and also welcome to the forum. Just wondering, how does one carry out a "dead pixel test"? Deep down I'm not sure I want to know if any of my pixels have dieddde30
Regards, Andrewddc28

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I like your sense of humour! :D
G'day and also welcome to the forum. Just wondering, how does one carry out a "dead pixel test"? Deep down I'm not sure I want to know if any of my pixels have died
Regards, Andrew

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Use an image that is completely full screen white then look for the black dot.
Kaykaykay said:
Generally, I've found that stores in Asia don't offer the same level of customer service as in the West, including at Apple stores. I think it unlikely if OP is in Bangalore that an upgrade will be offered.

Yes you're right here Kay....I should have checked that.....

Just so wrong though that where you live changes the policy.

I get upset that we pay so much more for Apple products here......and iTunes and the App Store is so much more expensive here than in the States too. :(
I got an iPad 4 just before the New Year and, while I absolutely love it to bits, I have noticed what looks like a single speck of dust under the screen toward the top left hand corner when the device is held in landscape orientation and displaying a white background. It is definitely under the screen as I cannot see it when held in portrait mode and there is no obvious mark on the screen when it turned off. It is only visible when viewed head on and if I tilt the screen toward or away from me then it seems to disappears. It is the kind of thing no-one else but me would notice and even if they did they'd probably shrug their shoulders and ignore it. Me being me though, it is starting to irk me a little as I know it is there and find myself constantly looking for it!

I must admit to being rather surprised to find dust under the screen as I've had lots of devices with LCD screens over the years, including a Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone and PS Vita, and have never noticed any dust or specks behind the screen. I always assumed that was because they were made in dust-free environments and certainly never expected to see it in a premium quality Apple device. I Google-d this issue last night and to my surprise found that it isn't such a rare issue with iPads after all.

I guess I'm going to just have to learn to ignore it because there is no guarentee that the replacement won't be the same... or worst!
Doctor Hades said:
I got an iPad 4 just before the New Year and, while I absolutely love it to bits, I have noticed what looks like a single speck of dust under the screen toward the top left hand corner when the device is held in landscape orientation and displaying a white background. It is definitely under the screen as I cannot see it when held in portrait mode and there is no obvious mark on the screen when it turned off. It is only visible when viewed head on and if I tilt the screen toward or away from me then it seems to disappears. It is the kind of thing no-one else but me would notice and even if they did they'd probably shrug their shoulders and ignore it. Me being me though, it is starting to irk me a little as I know it is there and find myself constantly looking for it!

I must admit to being rather surprised to find dust under the screen as I've had lots of devices with LCD screens over the years, including a Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone and PS Vita, and have never noticed any dust or specks behind the screen. I always assumed that was because they were made in dust-free environments and certainly never expected to see it in a premium quality Apple device. I Google-d this issue last night and to my surprise found that it isn't such a rare issue with iPads after all.

I guess I'm going to just have to learn to ignore it because there is no guarentee that the replacement won't be the same... or worst!

If it's that noticeable and objectionable to you, and because the device is so new, you should take it to an Apple Store for inspection. If the iPad is found to be defective and you're offered a new replacement device, chances are remote, I would think, that the 2nd unit would have an identical or similar defect.

Please let the forum know the outcome if you go that route.


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You can always inspect any replacement iPad before taking it home. That should ensure there are no problems with the screen.
I bought my iPad 4 online from EBuyer here in the UK and where I live in Hull there isn't an Apple store either (that I'm aware of). My iPad has been working flawlessly otherwise since I bought it at the end of 2012. I think I'm probably being a pedantic to be honest - I doubt anyone else would be able to see the speck of dust - and it is only really visible in landscape mode when browsing (since it typically has a white background). Even then it appears as a light grey speck so it is quite easy to overlook. Last night I managed to totally forget it was there so I guess I'll get used it. After all, nothing is perfect anyway and if you look for flaws then you'll certainly find them. I just wish I'd not noticed it, that's all, as once I know something is there, I find it hard to stop looking for it.

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