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5 row keyboard, Cydia


iPF Novice
I have the 5 row keyboard, and it works fine it seems everywhere except in search when using Cydia? Is this a known problem?

Also, I'm wondering why when I install a theme that alters the appearance of the folders and icons, why some do not change? For example I'm using "Glass Orb", and icons like "appinfo", and "backgrounder" don't change to the new icon format.

I'm also wondering how I personalize the "iPad" in the upper left corner of the iPad? I have learned how to change fonts using bytafont, but how do I change colors?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm a jailbreaking Noob...... :o
I have the 5 row keyboard, and it works fine it seems everywhere except in search when using Cydia? Is this a known problem?

Yes, the developer of Cydia, Jay Freeman (aka saurik) disables most of the mobile subtrate when you visit Cydia. Helps prevent conflicts...

Also, I'm wondering why when I install a theme that alters the appearance of the folders and icons, why some do not change? For example I'm using "Glass Orb", and icons like "appinfo", and "backgrounder" don't change to the new icon format.

It's all up to the developers. I, too, have noticed that a lot of the Cydia icons don't get themed. I'm thinking that the odds are that the developer doesn't have that tweak and therefore doesn't have the icon to theme. Maybe you could write to the developer(s) and ask if they are going to theme the icon ...?

I'm also wondering how I personalize the "iPad" in the upper left corner of the iPad? I have learned how to change fonts using bytafont, but how do I change colors?

I use the tweak MakeItMine (free from Cydia). Some say it doesn't work for them and they've used FakeCarrier. They both do the same thing - just use the one that works for you.

Sorry for all the questions, I'm a jailbreaking Noob...... :o

As we all were at one time, kctay, as we all were. And, TBH, we all don't know everything, that's why this forum is nice to have - to ask the questions. Just keep asking & learning and soon, you too will have an answer to questions! :D


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