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According to consumer research agency Changewave, which surveyed around 2,500 prospective tablet buyers in November, 7 out of 10 consumers are looking to buy an iPad tablet in the near future.
The survey showed that 13 percent plan to buy a tablet within the next three months, which is double than the registered level 90 days ago. But the most interesting finding of the survey is that 72 percent said they plan on acquiring an iPad. This represents a 17-point jump since the August survey. The introduction of Apple's new iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display, as well as various other holiday sales incentives are the main reasons for the increase.
Among those who plan on buying an iPad, more than half (55%) said they would buy the iPad Air and 16% said they would choose the iPad mini with Retina display. As for the competition, there isn’t at least one device that had touched double digits in this survey. But we need to take into account that the surveyed persons are generaly early adopters. Philip Elmer-Dewitt with Fortune says the following:
ChangeWave's 25,000 members tend to be early adopter types, richer and more tech savvy than the general public. But their survey responses have proved in the past to be pretty good forward indicators of where the U.S. market is headed.
Samsung's Galaxy lineup had dropped from 13 percent to 9 percent, Google's nexus from 12 percent to 9 percent, and Amazon's Kindle Fire from 6 percent to 5 percent. What’s curious to observe is that desire for Microsoft's Surface tablets has slightly increased, from 7 percent to 8 percent.
Source: Fortune