I'm very comfortable with various file systems so apples refusal to enable an advanced mode in their idevices is a real downer. I would not even mind iTunes that much if it worked. But to play music videos in sequence I have to trick iTunes into thinking they are tv Shows, however try dragging them there and that does not work. It just copies them as movies. So you have to play tricks with it. Then there is the lack of codecs. Then there is the tricks you need to play with documents.
There is nothing unfixable about iTunes and I am sure apple will have to fix it to compete with windows 8. Those kinds of obvious flaws are something microsoft would not let out the door these days. Though a few years ago they probably would have (zune).
That said iTunes is still easier to use for 80% of people out there than any file system. Sad but true.
That's the crazy thing: iTunes is very fixable, and it doesn't make sense to me why Apple hasn't done it. For a company that prides itself on attention to detail and ease of use, I'd consider iTunes an embarrassment.