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Accidentally plugging iPod into iPad charger?

I really don't understand the original post. My two chargers don't look the same at all -- the iPod Touch charger is significantly bigger than the other and there's no way anyone could get them mixed up. Older iPod?

Is it from apple? I have several iPod charger plugs and they look identical to the iPad charger with the exception of the 5 watt or 10 watt label.

I use ny iPad charger for everything and it works fine.
Oh, for heaven's sake. Here's a photo of the chargers, side-by-side, labels added by yours truly. The iPod in question is a 1st generation Nano, and its charger looks pretty damned identical to the iPad's, doesn't it?


Yes it is very close in appearance. I used my daughter's iPod Nano's charger and plugged it into my iPad. It was not easy to get out! It is not a perfect fit to say the least.

After that I marked hers with her initials.:D

Actually all iDevice cables are identical in size. The difference is some have snap clips on the sides and others don't. If you use a cable and can't get it out squeeze the sides to release it. The longer tip ones are like this. The short ones tend to not have the clip.
I really don't understand the original post. My two chargers don't look the same at all -- the iPod Touch charger is significantly bigger than the other and there's no way anyone could get them mixed up. Older iPod?

Is it from apple? I have several iPod charger plugs and they look identical to the iPad charger with the exception of the 5 watt or 10 watt label.

I use ny iPad charger for everything and it works fine.

All of my chargers are from Apple and the brick on the iPod charger is significantly larger. As I said in my original post, my iPod Touch is one of the early ones and maybe that's the difference. Either way, I'd have to be blind to get it and my iPad charger mixed up.
I charge my both my son's ipods on the ipad charger.

Maybe it is me, but it seems to charge the ipods pretty quickly....

No harm has come to any ipod by me doing this.
CERN called. The LHC is having issues and they've narrowed it down to people plugging iPods into iPad chargers and iPads into iPod chargers.

Apparently, they've witnessed cats and dogs living together as well and fear that the end is near. I hope all of you are proud of yourselves for bringing the end of the world upon us.

Apparently, some people don't understand the concept that devices DRAW current -- their chargers don't PUSH it.
Exactly! It's no different than the fact that the iPad charger itself is plugged into an a/c outlet likely capable of 15AMPS or more. I mean, shouldn't that fry the charger??? ;)

Apparently, some people don't understand the concept that devices DRAW current -- their chargers don't PUSH it.

+1 Haha :)

I have one quick question though, my friend has a charger that doesn't say the values in WATTs, is it safe to say that 5V, 2.1A markings on it means it's running on 10watts?
My older iPod touch worked great until I got my iPad at Christmas and started charging both with my iPad charger. Now my iPod will not charge, with either cord and I am unable to reset it. It has been very useful as a paper weight!
I use both types of chargers interchangeably with both devices, and neither of them have malfunctioned, frozen up, spontaneously combusted or otherwise "acted weird", and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

If there's a problem with the device, something else is causing it.

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