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Adobe Launches Flash Media Server and Flash Access for iOS

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It's a good interim solution for content providers who want add the ability to server iOS devices but are not yet ready (for whatever reason) to migrate their site and content to HTML 5.

And it will give Adobe a little more time to transition from selling the premier Flash development suite to selling the premier HTML 5 development suite. ;)

Reading their software announcements and enhancements over the last year or so suggests this is where they are heading.
And so it goes...:(

Not any more, My Friend. Stay on topic people. We are not to turn this thread into a flash discussion/ipad vs. Android. Not going to say it again. Appropriate sanctions will be distributed. Edited by Moderator ~
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"occasionally"? BS, I come across it every day! It is ridiculous. I hate the fact that Apple doesn't give me the choice. I mean, I am only 37 so I can kind of understand why they need to make the decision for me. :(
They made you buy the iPad? It wasn't your choice? If you want flash ~Apple products may not be for you.

If you wanted flash you shouldn't have bought it.;)
Apple can't make anyone buy anything. You can choose to go without a tablet or buy something else. You apparently decided an iPad was your best option, but that was a choice you made.
Interestingly enough, many people have accused of supporting HTML 5 instead of Flash because Apple would make money off HTML 5. A recent business report says that wholesale adoption of HTML 5 will cost Apple a lot of money. That is because instead of buying apps through iTunes, they can download them directly off the HTML 5 web sites and eliminate Apple's 30% cut.
Interestingly enough, many people have accused of supporting HTML 5 instead of Flash because Apple would make money off HTML 5. A recent business report says that wholesale adoption of HTML 5 will cost Apple a lot of money. That is because instead of buying apps through iTunes, they can download them directly off the HTML 5 web sites and eliminate Apple's 30% cut.

Wow, a company accused of wanting to make money?! An outrage.

Whatever the reason, they've made clear that they won't support it, so if Flash is important, don't buy an iPad.
I recently read an article in BusinessInsider that explained the way Flash works. And the simple explanation is that when they designed Flash, the computer and electronics industry had no idea of what was to come. They took the formats they had, and made them work with the machines they knew about. And most videos were made in a format that is not able to function properly on any tablet or smart phone. And to make it work requires lots of power, electrical and processing. they can install patches to improve the performance, but it is like trying to get a goat to produce cow's milk in large quantities.
A new article today about Windows 8 says that it will not support Flash in mobile devices.
“The Metro style browser in Windows 8 is as HTML5-only as possible, and plug-in free,” said Hachamovitch. “The experience that plug-ins provide today is not a good match with Metro style browsing and the modern HTML5 Web.”
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