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Airport City - Friends request

Richard agung said:
But jimghjj once sent me server rack ...
I think it can be done, I just don't know how

That's because I have server racks in my gift list. When you click return gift,if it's not in your list it will send something else. You won't know about it,only the person getting it will realise it's different.

I'm only asking for fuel additives at the moment as I'm trying to get 3stars for London flights.i'll update my signature when I build my next thing.

I'm going back to earlier flights now to get 3stars in the vain hope of getting shampoo,otherwise it's going to take 16 level upgrades to pay for them!

Everyone asking for server racks I'll keep getting them to you,send me fuel additives or failing that some high item that I may need later.

How do you guys get your signature to appear in a different font to your main text? Mine just looks like normal text?

Have all the usual plus towels,smoke detector,server rack,flight catering,os. beacon, cooling chamber,nav. module. Need fuel additives,4 shampoo.
That's because I have server racks in my gift list. When you click return gift,if it's not in your list it will send something else. You won't know about it,only the person getting it will realise it's different.

I had no idea it did this - sorry for the all crap I've been "returning" to some people... I thought I was sending back something useful. That is a really, really poor feature.
Whanna can you add me as a friend. My chunky fingers have managed to delete you from my neighbour list by accident!

Have all the usual plus towels,smoke detector,server rack,flight catering,os. beacon, cooling chamber,nav. module. Need fuel additives,4 shampoo.
It says I've already sent you a request, won't let me re-add you. I hope that isn't a feature! Did you try adding me?
Sorry jimghjj ....
I still don't know what to do ....
And also, could someone teach me how to make signature ?
I'm near lvl 21, soon i can give packaging machine ....
Post it if u want it ...
Jim, i will send fuel add and crewman, i will send something purple, and stpats landing lamps
I did my signature on the computer because it seemed easier, but it's the same on iPad. On ipad Go to SETTINGS, there is a spot for signature. Turn it on and type your needs and haves there. Also you have to toggle on the "show signatures" in the reading options. On the computer go to edit profile.
Neighbors - Just scanning through the last few pages of the forum and came up with this list of who needs what. It's not a complete list of everything but the key items and ones I can send. I can't send my gifts out until later this evening so I'll recheck before it do. Anyway, feel free to copy and update it for TODAYS' gift needs.

Jim - fuel additive, packing machine
MsKim - flight catering
MadSimmy - fuel, passengers [can you send me a packing machine, please? :-) ]
StPat - DND, landing lamp [ send me a DND and I'll return it to you or vice versa. I have & need them too]
crewman - anything purple!, laser cutters
marsm - packing machine
skyjacker - flight catering, fuel add.,
whanna - level 4 bldg stuff, i.e. shredders, servers, amperemeter
ircro - radio transmitter
spareribs - ??
rickcc - transmitter
richard agung - fuel supply
lilly2 - packing machine, defroster, or if you don't have those purple items

As always.... happy flying!

PS. check out crewman's advice. really smart way to go.
Oh is it the same with signature on our email ?
Btw, what do u need ? I can send stuff in the next 4 hrs or so

It's like a signature in email. You have to create it on the ipad forum settings pages. its helpful for everyone scanning the pages to know what to send you.
Dewbeedo, Heatherb and Olive2410 - are you on this forum? If so, THANKS for your gifts! always very appropriate.
Neighbors - Just scanning through the last few pages of the forum and came up with this list of who needs what. It's not a complete list of everything but the key items and ones I can send. I can't send my gifts out until later this evening so I'll recheck before it do. Anyway, feel free to copy and update it for TODAYS' gift needs.

Jim - fuel additive, packing machine
MsKim - flight catering
MadSimmy - fuel, passengers [can you send me a packing machine, please? :-) ]
StPat - DND, landing lamp [ send me a DND and I'll return it to you or vice versa. I have & need them too]
crewman - anything purple!, laser cutters
marsm - packing machine
skyjacker - flight catering, fuel add.,
whanna - level 4 bldg stuff, i.e. shredders, servers, amperemeter
ircro - radio transmitter
spareribs - Fuel Supply for San Fran, and additional fuel appreciated :-)
rickcc - transmitter
richard agung - fuel supply
lilly2 - packing machine, defroster, or if you don't have those purple items

As always.... happy flying!

PS. check out crewman's advice. really smart way to go.

Another useful post - thanks Lilly !

Just need fuel supply and additional fuel at the moment - thanks :-)
Thanks to lilly2's note, i have send each of you accordingly ...
Please update if u still need it ...
Whanna, pls accept my request.
I still need fuel supply ...
Oh btw, on the request, pls specify, is it fuel supply or fuel additive ....
Gifts for today sent.
If you don't have what I need you can send radio transmitter or fuel.

I can send: - all-inclusive bracelet, fuel 3 units, air conditioner, cockpit glass, welder, landing lamp, projector, passengers 10, powerfull radio transmitter, textbook, fuel supply, jet engine, whiteboard, fuel additives, drill machine, additional radar. I need 1 weather display, 2 stamps, 2 cash counters, 1 server rack.
Hi all

Thanks all for gifts over the last few days. I have generally been gifting passengers, but do let me know if you want anything else.

I am still looking for one more cash counter (and those annoying stamps!) to complete my terminal, but would also appreciate either fuel supplies or fuel additives to help me complete my treks to San Fran and London if possible.

I'll be levelling up shortly so will update my list of what I can give later this evening.

Happy flying!

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