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Airport City - Friends request

Hello folks

If any of you kind people have spare wire, shredder, stamp, cash counter or server rack your help would be appreciated.

I presently can send gifts of laser cutter, smoke detector, additional radar if of use to anyone.

A warning for those of you with children, they can delete your neighbours! Arrrgh

For those of you who kindly added me as a friend, please would you re add me.

Thank you
BbCornet said:
Can anyone help me with disposable shampoo x 4 ?

Let me know what you need and I'll try and return favor.



I think we're all after them. I have a sinking feeling that they must be bought. I hope I'm wrong!

Have all the usual plus towels,smoke detector,server rack,flight catering,os. beacon, cooling chamber,nav. module. Need fuel additives,4 shampoo.
Just Finished my gifting round. Thanks guy for all the gifts I will try to return them when I get the chance but with number of friends growing everyday I feel limited by 20 gifts a day.

I can now also send fuel hoses and archive boxes, which might be useful for quite a few buildings in the future.

I still need stamps but don't tink anyone can send them and ergo chairs also 3 defrosters would be great.
Hi, I'm new here and need neighbours!

Add me and let me know what you need and I'll try and help.

I could do with some help with a:-

Dispatcher console
Flight helmet
Flight goggles
Guest book.

Thanks in advance.
New here. Username is dano2010gs. Need shampoo like everyone else. Also need items for level 4 repair base; lining plate, hull parts, and laser cutter.

Wow, lots of new folks I haven't seen before. I'm sure we are all dealing with lots of neighbors and only 20 gifts a day. I'm generally sending a few of the gifts to a couple of neighbors who send good stuff daily and trying to distribute the rest the best I can. I try to answer 'desperate' pleas. [here's mine - only 1 more DND sign needed. Ack!]

BTW - does anyone with a running hotel have any insights on whether it's worth it for the rest of us to buy all those shampoos? ...just wondering.

Today's gift list - based on recent posts
Jim - fuel additive, packing machine
MsKim - flight catering
MadSimmy - fuel, passengers
StPat - DND, landing lamp
crewman - anything purple!, laser cutters
marsm - packing machine
skyjacker - stamps, ergo chairs, defroster, flight catering, fuel add.,
whanna - level 4 bldg stuff, i.e. shredders, servers, amperemeter
ircro - radio transmitter
spareribs - Fuel Supply for San Fran, and additional fuel appreciated
rickcc - transmitter
richard agung - fuel supply
lilly2 - defroster, addn'l radar, spare wire, flight catering
Sarah2 - fuel supply, fuel additive, ...
adam d - helmet, goggles, guest book...
dano2010gs - lining plate, hull parts, and laser cutter
shorty airways - spare wire, shredder, stamp, cash counter or server rack

QUESTION - is this type of list helpful to you? I did it for myself b/c I couldn't keep track easily of who wanted what without going back through pages of forum. it also helped with I have a moment to gift. I could go down the line. I also know that our needs keep changing depending upon what we get and what's going on. I'm assuming that everyone's signatures have the most up to date info, but if someone is looking for a quick list...

I'm sure there are others who aren't on this list yet b/c I didn't see their name posted recently.

one of these days i'll make a big 'ol list of what everyone has to give.... (maybe) :-)

THANKS to all gift givers.

Wow, lots of new folks I haven't seen before. I'm sure we are all dealing with lots of neighbors and only 20 gifts a day. I'm generally sending a few of the gifts to a couple of neighbors who send good stuff daily and trying to distribute the rest the best I can. I try to answer 'desperate' pleas. [here's mine - only 1 more DND sign needed. Ack!]

BTW - does anyone with a running hotel have any insights on whether it's worth it for the rest of us to buy all those shampoos? ...just wondering.

Today's gift list - based on recent posts
Jim - fuel additive, packing machine
MsKim - flight catering
MadSimmy - fuel, passengers
StPat - DND, landing lamp
crewman - anything purple!, laser cutters
marsm - packing machine
skyjacker - stamps, ergo chairs, defroster, flight catering, fuel add.,
whanna - level 4 bldg stuff, i.e. shredders, servers, amperemeter
ircro - radio transmitter
spareribs - Fuel Supply for San Fran, and additional fuel appreciated
rickcc - transmitter
richard agung - fuel supply
lilly2 - defroster, addn'l radar, spare wire, flight catering
Sarah2 - fuel supply, fuel additive, ...
adam d - helmet, goggles, guest book...
dano2010gs - lining plate, hull parts, and laser cutter
shorty airways - spare wire, shredder, stamp, cash counter or server rack

QUESTION - is this type of list helpful to you? I did it for myself b/c I couldn't keep track easily of who wanted what without going back through pages of forum. it also helped with I have a moment to gift. I could go down the line. I also know that our needs keep changing depending upon what we get and what's going on. I'm assuming that everyone's signatures have the most up to date info, but if someone is looking for a quick list...

I'm sure there are others who aren't on this list yet b/c I didn't see their name posted recently.

one of these days i'll make a big 'ol list of what everyone has to give.... (maybe) :-)

THANKS to all gift givers.

Lilly, have you thought about starting a separate thread for "haves and wants" and keeping this thread only to friends requests? Might make it easier to organize that way.
Just Finished my gifting round. Thanks guy for all the gifts I will try to return them when I get the chance but with number of friends growing everyday I feel limited by 20 gifts a day.

I can now also send fuel hoses and archive boxes, which might be useful for quite a few buildings in the future.

I still need stamps but don't tink anyone can send them and ergo chairs also 3 defrosters would be great.

Hi Skyjacker - can I please put in an order for an archive box?
Sorry I haven't posted much. I've been sick and I have a family member in the hospital, so lots of running. I havent had a chance to add anyone so please feel free to add me as a neighbor instead.
Big thanks to everyone! I have been trying to keep up with requests though and gifting daily. The list Lilly made was a huge help!!! It was hard getting the time to look through all the posts.
I have updated my signature to reflect todays needs. I need 2 archive boxes, 1 DND sign and flight catering meals. The rest I don't think can be gifted such as shampoo, ergonomic chairs and the transmitters needed for building.

I just sent out a bunch of gifts and have a few left for the day and still have a few left to give.

@Jim- I am all good on servers, thanks bunches! Then I goof and send you fuel instead of fuel additives. Sorry!
@Lilly-think I sent out an amperemeter. I wasnt sure which level buildings you were at but its good for repair base 4 and control tower 4.
@StPat-landing lamp for Bali
@MadSimmy - fuel
@Crewman - lining plate sent, hoping its for the right repair base you are building.
@Whanna - amperemeter
@ Ircro - radio transmitter for Malta
@ Sparerotties - fuel supply for San Fran.
@ Sarah - fuel supply sent

@mars-Thanks for the gifts, what do you need in return from my available?
@skyjacker-do you need flight catering meals or equipment to build the facility? I've got cooling chambers if you need and meals too!

Did I miss anyone? Lol.
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Thanks all for the gifts!

Items needed:
Disposable shampoo x4
Steel frame
Wire x2
Control unit x3

Items I can give:
All inclusive bracelet
Cockpit glass
Air conditioner
Landing lamp
Powerful radio trasmiter
Flight helmet
Hi all,

I've been following this thread for a while now and added a lot of you. Thank you all for the gifts. Returned what I could and will send out more when the time is there.

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