Captain boyington
iPF Novice
Before I commit myself to pad 1 or 2, is anyone still out there on a launch?
Hi, still going on pad 1 about 500 points to go, four in.
hi, I could use plasma clots or fuel supply, thanks.
Before I commit myself to pad 1 or 2, is anyone still out there on a launch?
Hi, still going on pad 1 about 500 points to go, four in.
hi, I could use plasma clots or fuel supply, thanks.
Ops old age hits again I posted then fell asleep. Just joined red dog on pad 2 might fall asleep again....
Needs; just plasma things or send me what you need and I will return it eventually on a 2 day gift cycle
Thanks for joining the launch Fred, There's only two of us at the moment anyone else Wanna join on pad 2
Quick make offers such as free wine and upside down cakes ( well you are in Australia ) to get others on board
Needs; just plasma things or send me what you need and I will return it eventually on a 2 day gift cycle
OK, Free beer and wine only 30 more points you can get third place
Hi, still going on pad 1 about 500 points to go, four in.
hi, I could use plasma clots or fuel supply, thanks.
I've enough to take us to launch but I don't wont to steal any positions.
Come on guys...lets get this show on the launch pad is rusting over
Lukehakesley level 40. Need Plasma & mangnemetrers. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs additional radars & 3 rope blocks.
It's does look a bit like the Tower before it was paintedspend a lot of time in the pool on your front love the slides with the kids
Needs; just plasma things or send me what you need and I will return it eventually on a 2 day gift cycle
I've enough to take us to launch but I don't wont to steal any positions.
Come on guys...lets get this show on the launch pad is rusting over
Lukehakesley level 40. Need Plasma & mangnemetrers. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs additional radars & 3 rope blocks.
Only 42 points left...... Throw them in!
Level:40 Pingways, I need: catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume
Thanks for putting the extra in.
I'd happily put the 30 in but I don't want to be accused of stealing captain Boyingtons first place.
Captain started the launch and I'm only 2 points behind him so the 30 needed will have to come from someone else.
We've been going 20 hours now so if we have to wait a bit more then no worries.
Lukehakesley level 40. Need Plasma & mangnemetrers. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs additional radars & 3 rope blocks.