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Airport utility app


iPF Noob
I have an airport express for when I travel so I can connect all my & my wife's devices to the hotel Internet as many hotels try to charge per device used not per room. Why can't apple come out with a "airport utility" app to set up the airport express/airport extreme/time capsule, like we use on our Mac's. So then I don't have to take my MacBook Air with me as well whenever I travel?
I have an airport express for when I travel so I can connect all my & my wife's devices to the hotel Internet as many hotels try to charge per device used not per room. Why can't apple come out with a "airport utility" app to set up the airport express/airport extreme/time capsule, like we use on our Mac's. So then I don't have to take my MacBook Air with me as well whenever I travel?

Change hotel brands, Hilton and Marriott hotels do not do this. I know this for a fact as I travel all the time and live in them. By live in them I mean over 200 days in a hotel so far this year.
I can't recall the article, but I believe an Airport utility (or area in the Settings app) is supposed to be a part of iOS 5.

I hope it makes the initial release, and that I'm not remembering a rumor.
The feature in iOS 5 is a built in App to set up an Airport wireless router so you don't need to own a Mac or a PC to also own an Airport router.


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