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Airport Utility


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Q. What is better than an Apple router?

A. Lots of Apple routers.

The Airport Extreme, Airport Express and Time Capsule range are purpose built pieces of hardware to enable and enhance your Internet experience. They all have different capabilities. The Express will play the output from iTunes through connected speakers or headphones. The Time Capsule contains a HDD of 2 or 3 Tb and will make continuous backups of your system, wirelessly.

If you have a Mac computer, you already have the software necessary to set up these routers. If you have an iPad or iPhone, or a Windows computer, you will need to download it. It's free and simple. Download iOS version here.

Screen Shot 2014-07-23 at 10.51.24 PM.webp

The image above shows my network, with 3 routers dotted around the house, eliminating dead spots.
Nice idea for a thread, Kevin. So far I only have 1 AirPort Express. Shortly I'm going to use some of my credit card reward points to get a free Apple TV.
Well worth it. It's the video hub for an AirPlay system. Nothing else has the same capabilities.
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