hoopy1888 said:
Hi folks, has anyone successfully imported a tune from iTunes into GarageBand?
Doin some distance collaborating with my friend and he has recorded a guitar track using irig. He has saved as .m4a
It plays fine in the iPod section of iPad 2 but when I go to 'import from itunes' on GarageBand it says there is no songs available.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Or can you only import other GarageBand files?
Thanks guys
Ok I'm not sure if I'll relay this correct but I did it a few days ago for the first time with a little trial and error.
I made the tune on iPad GarageBand. It contained 6 tracks of mic recording only.( waiting for my Apogee Jam)
I exported it through iTunes instead of the regular email. The email makes then.m4a iTunes use but can't be edited in IPad or iMac GarageBand because it's not the correct format. Choose to send it through iTunes but select GarageBand as the format. GarageBand use a file format of .band
It is like a folder which includes all the data and separate tracks but only shows up as "your tune .band"
I cant reproduce it right now because I'm on vacation but I think you can find it on your iTunes library or iMac GarageBand library. Do a spotlight search and locate where GarageBand stores its files. What I then did was copy it to a USB stick and when I visited my friend I placed it into his GarageBand folder on his new iMac. If you get so far as to locate your .band file you can use a free app called Team Viewer to send it to him.
Team viewer has versions for Mac as well as Windows. It is a free program for private use. You both run the program and since you are sending, he tells you his ip address and currently generated password by Team Viewer. You enter this info your Team Viewer display after selecting send file.
It might take some time as the .band file can be large.
Good Luck,