Musicsome (prof apps) Apps on my Ipad2
Poser wrote: Well since no one mentioned it, Djay is the best app available.
Waiting for that “Next Thing” means you’d never buy anything.
And here is my comment
Djay was one of the first apps i bought for the ipad2 Im talking about Below only My MUSIC APPS installed on m y Ipad2:
Garageband, Amplitube/Fender, Music Studio,KOrg iMS20, 50 in 1 piano, Bass Guitar, Korg Electribe, Classical Guitar, Beatpad,MidiMEMO from line6, Pianoman, Guitar HD, Electric Guitar,Melotron M3000HD, Gitarre&Bass, Isequence, ymaha AV CONTROL, YAMAHA FADERS, YAMAHA, FADERS & PAD, Xenon, Studio HD, Rebirth, FL Studio, Drummeister, Nano Studio & Keyboard, Studiodrummer, AC-7 Core, Groovemaker5, iRig Recorder, Yamaha Performence, Seline HD, DM1, Power Chords, Realdrums HD, Music Creator and about 15 other tutorials music apps
I know I cannot use them at once but in a certain project you can snoop of each app has its profits
So if we want to make music give me a sign or suggestion