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Yes, in theory any USB keyboard should work via the camera connection kit, without knowing more about your setup it's hard to know what the problem is - potentially have to change settings on the keyboard to make it output it's midi data?

For those people who have controllers which are true midi, not USB, there's the IK Multimedia iRig MIDI that's just launched - same guys who produce the iRig for guitars, this is a midi adapter that let's you control synth apps etc.

Hi incapete,
I had a look through the manual and it has settings that can be changed but I don't know how relevant they are. So now I've sent a message directly to Casio's support section and hope they might provide me with an answer.
Hi incapete,
I had a look through the manual and it has settings that can be changed but I don't know how relevant they are. So now I've sent a message directly to Casio's support section and hope they might provide me with an answer.

Just had a useless reply from Casio, here's what they say:

Dear Customer, Thank you for sending us your email. As per your query, we would like to inform you that we cannot give any
guarantee about the compatibility, but it may be possible to connect WK-3 300 and iPad2. You need an USB cable and Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit. Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit - Apple Store (Australia)

Oh well, I'll keep trying. Actually, I did read in the manual yesterday that to connect the keyboard to a computer, I would have to install drivers on it, which isn't possible on the iPad, so I think that might be the reason I can't get the two to communicate.
Pat100 said:
I saw a video a while back that had a Casio salesman in a music shop in Australia demonstrating how to connect Casio keyboards to ipad 2 and play the GarageBand instruments. According to the guy any Casio keyboard should work.

I've got a Casio WK 3300 keyboard and tried to get it to work but it doesn't. The message box says it isn't recognised (not those exact words, but I can't remember exctly what they were). That was a couple of weeks ago. Today I tried it again with a powered USB hub but it still doesn't work. I coonected it this way:
I plugged the keyboard into the hub, the hub into the camera connection kit, the cam kit into the ipad. On the keyboard I turned the Local On/Off to Off. From the way the guy in the video talked it sounded like it should work with any Casio keyboard, but I wonder if mine is too old a model, I've had it since 2008.

It'd be great if I could get it to work!

Dont know about Casio, but when I connect my Roland Juno Stage to iPad via Camera Connection Kit, it works with no problem.

Sent from Tommy's iPad2 using iPF
Did you guys know about iDesignSounds? It's a great site that only been around a few months. Great for iOS Musicians! It lists all the best audio, midi and music production apps in a database that you can search by synth, drum machine, sequencer, remix, midi controller etc. so you don't have to trawl the app store trying to find the hidden gems. Highly recommended!! 8)

Here's the link:
iDesignSound | Discover the Very Best Audio and Music Production Apps for iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch

Char :)
sd3sign said:
Did you guys know about iDesignSounds? It's a great site that only been around a few months. Great for iOS Musicians! It lists all the best audio, midi and music production apps in a database that you can search by synth, drum machine, sequencer, remix, midi controller etc. so you don't have to trawl the app store trying to find the hidden gems. Highly recommended!! 8)

Here's the link:
iDesignSound | Discover the Very Best Audio and Music Production Apps for iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch

Char :)

cool :)

Sent from Tommy's iPad2 using iPF
Where is the File Sharing on iTunes gone? Ever since I upgraded my iPad to the new iOS I can't find any of the Garageband songs I had uploaded to iTunes.Just now I sent a test song to see if I could follow where it went to, but I can't see it anywhere. I'll have to go and have a cup of tea to calm my nerves!
Where is the File Sharing on iTunes gone? Ever since I upgraded my iPad to the new iOS I can't find any of the Garageband songs I had uploaded to iTunes.Just now I sent a test song to see if I could follow where it went to, but I can't see it anywhere. I'll have to go and have a cup of tea to calm my nerves!
Please ignore my last post - I must be having a very serious case of dimwittedness. I totally forgot about plugging the USB cable into the computer, instead I've been leaving in the charger and expecting it to synch that way.
No wonder I couldn't see any devices or anything for my ipad. At least I realised what was wrong eventually :eek:
Yeti Microphone

I promised to write a review of the Yeti mic a while ago. I got from Amazon in the US because it was on special at US99 (Roughly NZ128), in NZ it's on sale at the Apple store for $299. I had to get someone to post it to me as Amazon would ship to NZ. I also got a pop filter at the same time. All told, it still worked out about NZ$70 cheaper overall. Anyway, I wrote an article about the mic and it's available at MacTips: http://mactips.info/
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Can I get more instruments for garage band ? Is there an upgrade for the iPad ?? .... GarageBand for mac looks better and it looks like it has more instruments..

Can I get more instruments for garage band ? Is there an upgrade for the iPad ?? .... GarageBand for mac looks better and it looks like it has more instruments..

Hi badgersb

As far as I know the GarageBand app for iPad is a cut-down version of GarageBand for MAC (I haven't got a MAC myself, wouldn't mind one though :)). You can't add instruments to the app, there would only be more available if the developers decide to add any more in the next upgrade. It was last upgraded 1st November so I don't suppose there'll be any more upgrades for a while.

lcohn27 said:
Has any one figured out how to connect 2 external mics to the iPad 2 for recording duets or karaoke games?

just use any usbaudio interface or mixing board !

Sent from Tommy's iPad2 using iPF
Would an usbaudio interface need a powered USB hub? Can a cheap one work fine? I am just trying to set up a singing/karaoke set up for a 5 year old and a new years party

All the iOS devices are stereo/2 channel. So the best you can get is to run 2-mics into a mixer. Hard pan each mic to a side. Then you record on 2 separate channels on two separate tracks. Note that not all app will let you do this and I think if Garageban does, you will need to do 2 separate recording passes.

Thank You,


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