Bouquet Dragon = [Water + Plant + Fire] [9h][7h12m]
only available for a limited time
-The Bouquet Dragon can be bred by breeding Flower Dragon mate with Water Dragon or Water Hybrid Dragon
Note: Flower Dragon is required.
Suggested Combo:
Flower + Coral
Flower + Salamander
Flower + Seaweed
Flower + Swamp
Flower + Water
Iriana said:I hear the Jade dragon is out. What is the combination to breeding it?
∿∿ਏਓ Butterfly is fluttering around again! ਏ༑ਓ∿∿
Butterfly Dragon = [Air + Lightning + Fire] [12h][9h36m]
only available for a limited time
-The Butterfly Dragon can be bred by breeding Firefly Dragon mate with Air Dragon or Air Hybrid Dragon
Suggested Combo:
Firefly + Air
Firefly + Blazing
Firefly + Firework
Firefly + Smoke
Firefly + Sonic
Firefly + Thunder
Note: Firefly Dragon is required.
Hello skimonkey. Those are just unicode of different languages put together. I used app called unicode character map free.
<img src=""/>
skimonkey said:Thanks pretty cool kryp2n8! I'll have to check that out! Thank you!
Hope you are well--haven't spoken to you in a while, but have seen you busy here!
Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
Thanks skimonkey. I'm fine. As Superman always say... Everything is under control. ❝ཻ͋≀ˍ ̗❝ཻ͋