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All-In-One Breeding Guide

Wow! I got 48hr from Smoke and Mud! Any ideas on what it could be?

Sent from my iPad. GC ID: Lyra 123. HAY DAY: KIK: LYRAZELDA. TouchArcade: Lyra 123. Farm name: HD chat@ toucharcade.com Level:28 DRAGONVALE: Level: 14

Either Solar or Rainbow
kryp2n8 said:
Either Solar or Rainbow

YAAAAAY! I'm really happy!

Sent from my iPad. GC ID: Lyra 123. HAY DAY: KIK: LYRAZELDA. TouchArcade: Lyra 123. Farm name: Level:28 DRAGONVALE: Level: 14

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Just want to wish everyone a merry and joyous Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year! Have a good one Guys! :D

GCID: *.Philip35.*
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Sending magic dust to everyone who wants some!✨✨✨

Sent from my iPad. GC ID: Lyra 123. HAY DAY: KIK: LYRAZELDA. TouchArcade: Lyra 123. Farm name: Level:28 DRAGONVALE: Level: 14
I've always got magic dust handy:✨✨✨

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Gift Dragon = [Plant + Fire + Cold] [12h25m][9h56m]

-The Gift Dragon can be bred by pairing dragons that have Plant, Cold, and Fire elements present in the combination.

Suggested Combo:
Blue Fire + Evergreen
Blue Fire + Flower
Blue Fire + Gift
Blue Fire + Lichen
Blue Fire + Plant
Blue Fire + Poison
Blue Fire + Reindeer
Evergreen + Flower
Evergreen + Frostfire
Evergreen + Gift
Evergreen + Poison
Flower + Frostfire
Flower + Gift
Flower + Lichen
Flower + Reindeer
Frostfire + Gift
Frostfire + Lichen
Frostfire + Plant
Frostfire + Poison
Frostfire + Reindeer
Gift + Lichen
Gift + Plant
Gift + Poison
Gift + Reindeer
Lichen + Poison
Poison + Reindeer

BlueFire as fail:
Cold + Flower
Cold + Gift
Cold + Poison

Frostfire as fail:
Fire + Evergreen
Fire + Gift
Fire + Lichen
Fire + Reindeer
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Can anyone tell me what the green egg on the left is? The one with the little glowing dragon on it. I used flower and mountain.
Thank you!!!
Zoiey87 said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=32663"/>

Can anyone tell me what the green egg on the left is? The one with the little glowing dragon on it. I used flower and mountain.
Thank you!!!

It's a ghost!! :)

Hey guys if the attached doesn't work it shows an incubation period says 01:05:13:27 or hurry up for 30 gems... When this hatches finally will it not be a gemstone as the limited Time dragons won't be available? How does that work?

I can't recall what two dragons I bread but I've been trying to bread various gemstone dragons for a while, this is the first 30 hour incubation period I've seen to date.

Thanks for the help

robbay686 said:
Hey guys if the attached doesn't work it shows an incubation period says 01:05:13:27 or hurry up for 30 gems... When this hatches finally will it not be a gemstone as the limited Time dragons won't be available? How does that work?

I can't recall what two dragons I bread but I've been trying to bread various gemstone dragons for a while, this is the first 30 hour incubation period I've seen to date.

Thanks for the help

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=32755"/>

That could probably one of the Gemstone Dragon. (pearl, sapphire or topaz)

Once you have bred it you can still have it even the allotted period for the limited-time dragon expired.
Garnet Dragon [31h][24h48m]
Limited: Only available during the month of January

Can only be bred by breeding
Smoke + Obsidian
Four tries so far with Smoke and Obsidian, one Blazing, one Obsidian and 2 that are currently on 48 hour breeds....

As I got all the Epic Dragons during their first release times, I'm getting annoyed with all these re-releases clogging my breeding habitats!!!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dragons, dragons, dragons - who needs real pets?

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