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Already have AT&T USB connect contract


iPF Noob
Hey Guys,
Really want to get the IPAD 3g. I am trying to figure out what my options are. I already have the At&t $59.99 / month unlimited data (limited to 5Gig/month) service.

I was hoping that I can just swap the sim out between the usb connect and the IPAD. I read that the IPAD uses a micro sim so I don't think this would work well. I read somewhere about the possibility of an adaptor. It was suggested that I can get a micro sim from AT&T and use the adaptor for my usb connect.

I called Apple and asked them about this. The person I spoke with said that he didn't think this would work. The sims are completely different. He said that the micro sim doesn't have voice capability. So an adaptor wouldn't cut it. He suggested that I just get the $15 plan, but I really don't want to have to do this since I already have a data plan.

Is there a device out there like MIFI for AT&T? I didn't see any. I saw the Sprint Personal HotSpot PHS300s on the sprint site. Would this work with any usb type mobile card? Would it work with AT&T USB connect?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

mifi 2372 from Novatel. Couple sites carry them mpxsys and quantum wireless. It hs the 850 and 1900mhz frequencies required for ATT 3g

Be careful there is a 2352 that only has the 1900mhz which doesn't penetrate buildings as well. Some sites are trying to push it as fully att compatible....
Great. Thanks for the reply. So how does it work. Do I just use my sim from the USB Connect and stick it in the MiFi 2372? Does AT&T directly support this?

Thanks again.

AT&T will actually not notice, with what device you use the SIM.

You just need to look up the AT&T network access information for your Mifi (and make sure, that the Mifi is carrier unlocked.

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