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Angry Birds Seasons Gets Mooncake Festival Update


iPadForums News Team

So if you thought that Angry Birds Seasons had run out of reasons to update having already covered all the major holidays, then you’d have been proved wrong by Rovio’s latest update for the game today, which celebrates the Chinese Mooncake Festival. The 3000-year-old harvest festival is one of the most important holidays in China, and the pigs are using the familiar decorations to hide. The update features 30 brand new levels, chock full of pagodas, rabbits, and red lanterns, all lit by a shining harvest moon. There are also eight hidden pieces of mooncake to find that will unlock a bonus level.

As well as getting 30 all-new levels, Seasons is also finally getting the Mighty Eagle from the original game. For a one-time in-app purchase of $0.99/£0.59/€0.79, the Mighty Eagle can be used to skip a level, unlock the next one or advance in the game. You can only skip one level per hour though, to prevent you from ruining it for yourself! However, in levels that you have already passed with the regular birds, you can use the Mighty Eagle as often as you like, in order to earn additional high scores and achievements. Also, whenever you summon the Mighty Eagle, you will see a special destruction gauge, which when you fill it up to 100%, you’ll be rewarded with an Eagle Feather achievement.

Click here to download Angry Birds Seasons for iPhone for $0.99: Angry Birds Seasons for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

Click here to download Angry Birds Seasons for iPad for $1.99: Angry Birds Seasons HD for iPad on the iTunes App Store

Source: Rovio

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