iPF Noob
If we have a netbook, desktop, and ipod touch already?
It looks sweet and I want it but I don't have any reasons to get it.
It's a good question, and like many of the questions here as to iPad vs this, that or the other thing, it boils down to what you need and want. And also what kind of consumer you are.
I use my iPad at work as much as for pleasure, so for me it was a simple choice. I just had to decide which model I wanted and if it would be an actual iPad or would I wait for another platform to come along. 64 gb was plenty of memory for me, so I wasn't concerned with lack of memory expansion. For others that might be a concern if say, they want all their movies on their tablet at one time. I love the look and feel of the iPad and after looking at other platforms which looked and felt a little "mickey mouse" my choice was made. I'm not one to trade out in a short span of time, so the price tag didn't scare me off too much. For people who trade up or out frequently, they might not want to invest so much at one shot knowing that in a few months they will be back in the market for something else.
It all depends on you.
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