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any point to the ipad?

i was being sarcastic!!
i love my ipad!
i suppose its hard to get sarcasm over the internet... or if you're american :P
mikeos said:
i was being sarcastic!!
i love my ipad!
i suppose its hard to get sarcasm over the internet... or if you're american :P

Over the Internet. Not because most of us are American.

:P you

it has a great screen for seeing the items on the screen along with beening able to use anywhere when you have wifi ..

it great for checking emails on the fly and surf the web if need along with playing a game or listening to music or reading a ebook when you have some down time and it alot easlyer to carry around than a laptop
i was being sarcastic!!
i love my ipad!
i suppose its hard to get sarcasm over the internet... or if you're american :P

Only the ones who rode the short bus. Go ahead and ban me. I'm sure it's the only power you have or ever will have in your life, enjoy.
I have heard that Americans do have a hard time understanding sarcasm, or irony! :) Haha jk ( or am I?) lol

On a serious note I use my iPad daily, to browse, send/check emails, play games, read books, there's nothing this thing can't do (digitally) people say it's an overgrown iPhone/iPod but its a different device altogether IMO, the experience using an iPhone and an iPad are entirely different! And I have both.

If you can afford one, get one!

Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
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Love questions like this.

I usually hand the questioner an iPad and they reach their own conclusions after a few minutes. Wish I had commission for the number I've sold this way........
When I first saw the ipad in advertising, I thought, Ha...no one's gonna buy that. I was slightly mistaken.

Then I thought I still couldn't see how I would ever use one. I use windows laptops and android phones. I would never use something like that.

Then I got to play with one...pretty cool. Then I saw how people were actually using them.

I saw how I could do just about everything I use a laptop for...and have it come on instantly, and have it last all day.

I still use a laptop for some things...but the things I do every day, and a lot of, can be done much more quickly on my ipad.
When I first saw the ipad in advertising, I thought, Ha...no one's gonna buy that. I was slightly mistaken.

Then I thought I still couldn't see how I would ever use one. I use windows laptops and android phones. I would never use something like that.

Then I got to play with one...pretty cool. Then I saw how people were actually using them.

I saw how I could do just about everything I use a laptop for...and have it come on instantly, and have it last all day.

I still use a laptop for some things...but the things I do every day, and a lot of, can be done much more quickly on my ipad.

My thoughts exactly!! I love the instant-on, instant-off and incredible battery life. No more searching for those power outlets in Starbucks.....

Well, to directly answer the original question:
I have an iPhone which is essentially just like an iPod Touch, so we'll call that even, I have a netbook and a desktop too. And yes, of course I have an iPad. I'm more than glad I do and I use my iPad for totally different reasons. It has been ten times more helpful than I could have imagined. The battery life alone and portability factor are amazing, and the amount of apps add such functionality that I can take on the road with me. I read in bed with my reading apps and my PDF viewers. I type notes with the long battery life using Docs to Go and don't have to worry about being near an outlet. I used to cringe with my three hour battery life netbook. Instant start up is another plus. I use different apps on my iPad than I do on my iPhone most of the time, but sometimes I have used the same ones-so it is also nice to have the flexibility. My desktop I still like to have to check my e-mail in the morning, and I use the widgets. Each has a purpose.

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