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Any update on shipments of ipad 2

iPad 2 shipping

I ordered my iPad 2 at 6 a.m. the day they went on sale in washinton state. Arrival date was to be April 8. I received mine on march 28.
@SheerLuck - I'm an impatient serf. Is there really an Apple hill to storm?

Thanks Col.Bris for posting some factoids about production. I'd not seen that information. Kinda puts it in perspective.

Knowing my luck, I'll opt to wait in the online store "queue". At least I hope that in that queue, I'm among other Apple enthusiasts or iPad2 hopefuls. My attempts in line at the Apple brick-n-mortar stores have been sharing the line mostly with wanna-be-resellers and gray marketeers. They win, I lose...for Apple, its just a sale I guess.

It is the gray marketeers getting their inventory from the Apple Stores that make me rethink whether I'll be able to make myself set foot in an Apple Store ever again.

Suppose I'll just look at the AAPL stock in my portfolio and chill. Granted, some day (soon, i hope) I'd like to be able to check my portfolio from my iPad2. Ooo should be less than a month now, probably only nine or ten months from the product refresh announcement.
My local Target has Available 16 & 32gb black models in stock. If someone wants to give me a bit of cash to go pick them up and ship I might consider doing that on the way into work. Don't want to mess with eBay or the like, but would like to help some folks out.
gifty74 said:
My local Target has Available 16 & 32gb black models in stock. If someone wants to give me a bit of cash to go pick them up and ship I might consider doing that on the way into work. Don't want to mess with eBay or the like, but would like to help some folks out.

Do you want that in small bills or should I just give you my credit card #?
gifty74 said:
My local Target has Available 16 & 32gb black models in stock. If someone wants to give me a bit of cash to go pick them up and ship I might consider doing that on the way into work. Don't want to mess with eBay or the like, but would like to help some folks out.

It was very thoughtful of you anyhow. Unfortunately I wana white 64. But what fees does paypal have. My mom sends me money thru it. I wouldn't think shed do it I'd there were fees.
It depends where the funds come from for paypal transfers. If it's from a credit card payment then the seller, or receiver gets charged a fee. If it's from paypal to paypal then it's free, no fee.
It's shipping!!!!

Morining all. Well yesterday was the last straw. Two ipad 2 showed up at my office yesterday from a 3rd party vendor!!!! I was furious and called apple. Of course I got all tHe apologies and they now decided to throw in the red leather cover for me for free 69.00. And here is tHe kicker this morning I got a shipment confiRmation. It's in she zen china and I should receive April 6th. I early. Hope everyone on this posts is also getting those same confirmation emails today!!!:)
...this morning I got a shipment confiRmation. It's in she zen china and I should receive April 6th. I early. Hope everyone on this posts is also getting those same confirmation emails today!!!:)

Congrats! BTW, what was your order date?

As my ship date isn't until Apr-19, I've been darkening the iPad2 sections of the authorized sellers. Yesterday, I found a 32GB wifi in white on my way to lunch. Not sure I'm keen on the white (black one on order) so I've not unboxed it yet. Perhaps I'll go play with the white / black ones at the Apple Store to see if its a keeper.
Received good news this morning.

My iPad 2 will be here on April 6th. The original date was April 14th.

I ordered my unit on March 12th.

Only item that hasn't shipped is the Docking Station.
I ordered the 64GB, Black WiFi on March 12th. I have been showing a ship date of April 11th, delivery April 14th for the last few weeks. This morning I received an email that it had shipped and estimated delivery is April 6th. Looks like they are making progress on back orders.

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