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Anyone else getting into the following habit?

Rumour has it that Apple are researching touch screens as a part of the next iMac design, so there's hope that you'll all be right at home on your big machines in the very near future.


In the mean time, as somebody else said, there's the Magic Trackpad, which works really very well!
I have Windows machines.
This morning I tried to unlock my house with my car remote. Does that count?

OMG I did that recently and wondered why I didn't hear the chirp...needless to say I tried several times before I got a clue...
I do most of my surfing on my iPad anymore - the instant on/off is one of the main reasons. I have gotten so used to hitting the title bar to get to the top of the page while surfing, I have found myself doing the same thing while on my laptop. 5 times today alone...

Anyone else notice their iPad habits transferring to their Desktop/Laptop?

Oh, yeah! Did the same thing and worse...
When I tapped on the screen to activate a command it didn't comply so I tapped again... Twice!:D
This morning I tried to unlock my house with my car remote. Does that count?
There's always someone home so the only key I use all the time is the car's remote key.
I quickly found out that it doesn't work on the house...:confused::D
I haven't done it yet, but I've had the urge now and then to reach over to my desktop or laptop monitor and do the 'two finger expand' in order to get a better view some text or an image.
My main computer is a desktop-replacement Laptop from HP. I use it for Photos and Video (CS5 and Sony Vegas Pro) as well as gaming. My iPad will not replace that machine for those functions.

However for general surfing and email some of the other aspects and programs I don't need a full computer for, the iPad fills in nicely. I am still finding myself trying to pinch-zoom and hit the title bar to return to home on my laptop.

It is funny how we get used to certain things with new devices - especially with really cool ones we use more than normal in that first month or so of having it. Nice to know I am not alone.

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