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Anyone hoping for new ios UI

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iPF Noob
I've only been using an ipad for a month now and the UI is getting to me. I'm jailbroken and have infinidock, board, folders and and it's always a search for apps. Second the fact that I have to double click choose an app and then do that again if I go back there should just be a way to peak or something. Apple nees to seperate ios for phone and tablets, it's a waste of all that screen area just to have spaced out icons.

After seeing the honeycomb demo I was somewhat impressed I prefer that style of UI or better yet the playbook from rim was to the best. Apple has to know this year is the year of tablets so lets hope they get in front again with new design. Another thing important to me is that my tablet be made out of aluminum or some other really strong brushed feeling. Apple seems to be the only one to do that these days.
I think that the iPad iOS & UI is shackled by it's iPod/iPhone heritage.

The iPad needs an OS with a lower "footprint" than the Mac OS and a touch UI there's no doubt about that, but whether the iPod/iPhone OS a good place to start is open to debate.

I assume that iOS aware of which platform it is being hosted on and already adjusts certain aspects of it's behaviour accordingly.

I think that iPad needs more differentiation in the iOS behavior compared to the iPad and iPhone than is the case at the moment.

The most obvious example that I can think of is the need for a common file system and file manager. The concept of closed file storage for each app doesn't work for the iPad. Most of us have to use a mixture of utility apps to fill the gaps but still don't achieve 100% success.
Basically the iOS interface is a launcher for installed programs....i would like to be able to install widgets on the springnoard....ex. A weather, stock, and wifi widget....so i dont have to launch each one individually.
The concept of closed file storage for each app doesn't work for the iPad. Most of us have to use a mixture of utility apps to fill the gaps but still don't achieve 100% success.
The concept of "closed file storage" works extremely well for the iPad, it just doesn't work well for you! The iPad is a consumer-oriented consumption device made for consuming "stuff" (music, movies, apps, etc.) from iTunes. Its when you start working outside of this is when you run into these "weaknesses".
The concept of closed file storage for each app doesn't work for the iPad. Most of us have to use a mixture of utility apps to fill the gaps but still don't achieve 100% success.
The concept of "closed file storage" works extremely well for the iPad, it just doesn't work well for you! The iPad is a consumer-oriented consumption device made for consuming "stuff" (music, movies, apps, etc.) from iTunes. Its when you start working outside of this is when you run into these "weaknesses".
Well said sir!
The concept of closed file storage for each app doesn't work for the iPad. Most of us have to use a mixture of utility apps to fill the gaps but still don't achieve 100% success.
The concept of "closed file storage" works extremely well for the iPad, it just doesn't work well for you! The iPad is a consumer-oriented consumption device made for consuming "stuff" (music, movies, apps, etc.) from iTunes. Its when you start working outside of this is when you run into these "weaknesses".

I strongly disagree with this. Yes, perhaps the iPad is meant for consuming "stuff" but the closed off file storage for each app hinders this. Say I have a video file that I want to watch on the iPad. Now, there's more than one video App - Apple's own built in one, VLC, etc. If I'm going on a trip, I guess I'd better make up my mind which app I want to use to watch that video while I'm on the trip, because I have to use iTunes to put it in that app's own file storage before I leave. If I change my mind later, I'm SOL until I get back to my PC/Mac and can move the video again. Or, hey, I can always copy the video file to each video app's file storage and have 3 or 4 copies consuming my precious iPad storage space which Apple makes it impossible to expand...

Ditto for music. IMHO, the "iPod" app on the iPad simply does not have a very good UI. Conceivably, there could be a much better music playing app made by a 3rd party. But again, even if it existed I'd be stuck having two copies of my music, moving music around using iTunes on my Mac/PC, etc etc etc. Why?

Bottom line is I can think of nothing gained for end users that would be sacrificed if Apple did away with this closed file storage for each app. Why not have a common storage area? What would really be lost?
Say I have a video file that I want to watch on the iPad. Now, there's more than one video App - Apple's own built in one, VLC, etc. If I'm going on a trip, I guess I'd better make up my mind which app I want to use to watch that video while I'm on the trip, because I have to use iTunes to put it in that app's own file storage before I leave. If I change my mind later, I'm SOL until I get back to my PC/Mac and can move the video again. Or, hey, I can always copy the video file to each video app's file storage and have 3 or 4 copies consuming my precious iPad storage space which Apple makes it impossible to expand...
With all due respect, that is a pretty lame argument. Why you would ever need to watch the same video with different apps in the first place? We recently took a trip over Thanksgiving and that is exactly what I did before we left... I picked out a couple of videos, converted them to MP4 and synced them to my iPad and watched them with the Video app.

Ditto for music. IMHO, the "iPod" app on the iPad simply does not have a very good UI. Conceivably, there could be a much better music playing app made by a 3rd party. But again, even if it existed I'd be stuck having two copies of my music, moving music around using iTunes on my Mac/PC, etc etc etc. Why?
What is wrong with the iPod app?
The concept of "closed file storage" works extremely well for the iPad, it just doesn't work well for you! The iPad is a consumer-oriented consumption device made for consuming "stuff" (music, movies, apps, etc.) from iTunes. Its when you start working outside of this is when you run into these "weaknesses".

We will have agree to disagree on this.

It will be interesting to see what 2011 brings with competition from Android and Windows 7 tablets.

What will matter to Apple is what percentage of consumers see this sort of thing as a shortcoming in the iPad that addressed by the competition. Only time will tell.
I don't like the whole idea of the way the home screens work. You have all of your apps on screen(s), only ordered by however you arranged them. On my Android phone, I can put whatever apps I want on the screens, or even have none at all for a nice clean look. Then I click the app launcher button, and it shows all of my apps, in alphabetical order. I wish iOS had this.

I also wish there were widgets, such as weather, calendar, option toggles, etc... I use these quite often on my Android phone.
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