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iOS 7 vs Android 4.2

Thanks for all the feedback guys! I originally wrote it over on iPhoneforums.net, and Dan thought it would be a good idea to share it over here too. It was fun to write! I have to say that I am impressed with iOS7 and think it is a great step forward for Apple.

My personal take on it is that it doesn't matter if some/any of the ideas were inspired by stuff on Android or Windows Mobile. In the past, Android and Windows Phone borrowed ideas and inspiration from iOS too. It's a constant evolution, and with each passing generation they help each other grow better. Yes they are competitors, but that doesn't mean we as consumers can't revel in all the great ideas from all of these companies. We, after-all, are the ultimate benefactors of their creativity.

Enjoying and appreciating one product, doesn't mean you automatically have to hate the other. There is room to appreciate both! I personally love technology, and the more success we see from all of these companies means the more cool tech shows up on our doorstep! :D
Thanks for all the feedback guys! I originally wrote it over on iPhoneforums.net, and Dan thought it would be a good idea to share it over here too. It was fun to write! I have to say that I am impressed with iOS7 and think it is a great step forward for Apple.

My personal take on it is that it doesn't matter if some/any of the ideas were inspired by stuff on Android or Windows Mobile. In the past, Android and Windows Phone borrowed ideas and inspiration from iOS too. It's a constant evolution, and with each passing generation they help each other grow better. Yes they are competitors, but that doesn't mean we as consumers can't revel in all the great ideas from all of these companies. We, after-all, are the ultimate benefactors of their creativity.

Enjoying and appreciating one product, doesn't mean you automatically have to hate the other. There is room to appreciate both! I personally love technology, and the more success we see from all of these companies means the more cool tech shows up on our doorstep! :D
Hear Hear!
This is an interesting thread. Thanks for starting it with an in depth comparison of iOS 7 and Android 4.2.

I for one can appreciate how ideas and developments can overlap. The pool for innovation isn't bottomless.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
At least I can start selling my Untethered Jailbreak for iOS/iOS7.1. Only 199.95 plus the cut IPF demands.

No, wait . . . it is still much much early to start reeling in the suckers.

I mean iOS 8.
Actually, I'm a Ferrari fan but saying a Ferrari is a better car isn't accurate. They are faster and subjectively better looking but aren't better cars. This me OS isn't even out yet so let's wait and see how they do. Android has a decent chunk of the market so they must be doing something right. There's obviously room for both out there.

I guess it's dependant on your definition of better and which type of Ford your looking at (my reference was referring to the standard). In terms of car, I would class a vehicle as better even superior if it has a better engine, can go faster, better gears, tyres grip, aerodynamics. Just like I think an iPhone is a superior phone to the Android. I PERSONALLY do not like the plastic design on most with the removal batteries etc. it seems like a step back rather than forward to me. I also find Android phones unnecessarily complicated to use. Just my view guys! :)
This was a great post, one of the best I have read here. This may sound like a cop-out but I am a big fan of both iOS and Android. I Love, love, love my iPad but I have no real desire to get an iPhone. I just really love my android phone and plan on upgrading to the Galaxy note so I can feel like I sort of have a tablet on both platforms. I have a PC but as far as Windows 8, they can have that back. I really hate it. Wouldn't mind having a Mac but that a little out of my price range right now.

So yes, I think we can all share the love as technology continues to evolve.
I'm feeling so superficial. The flattened look is going to bug me, just like Window 8 panelled dashboard makes me spontaneously combust. So I'm hoping the iOS 7 'user experience' offsets the aesthetics.


Sent from my iPhone using iPF

Yeah, I keep trying to sell myself on the look but I'm not buying. As you said, the user experience had better be very pleasing to me or I'll be a little bummed out.
Vita, look into the Mac Minis if you have a desktop. I have one and I love it. I ended up having to buy a monitor when I got it a few months ago but the cost was still considerably less than an iMac.

Regarding the new look, it's ok. In the end, it doesn't matter what we all think; it is what it is. That was the one thing I was hoping for; that there might be some options so peeps could change the appearance of their apps. You can do it with a jailbroken phone so it seems like something that can be done.
Vita, look into the Mac Minis if you have a desktop. I have one and I love it. I ended up having to buy a monitor when I got it a few months ago but the cost was still considerably less than an iMac.

Regarding the new look, it's ok. In the end, it doesn't matter what we all think; it is what it is. That was the one thing I was hoping for; that there might be some options so peeps could change the appearance of their apps. You can do it with a jailbroken phone so it seems like something that can be done.

It does matter what users think tough. If enough people really dislike it then there will be less buyers of the products that run the OS. I'm sure it will be fine and all that....but it doesn't make sense to say that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks! It's actually ALL that matters.
It does matter what users think tough. If enough people really dislike it then there will be less buyers of the products that run the OS. I'm sure it will be fine and all that....but it doesn't make sense to say that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks! It's actually ALL that matters.

Agreed. A GUI stands or falls according to its look and feel. Whenever there's a radical change, the manufacturer had better hope that they struck the balance right. There has been plenty of discussion about Windows 8. It may be a strong operating system, but it's almost universally hated because it doesn't look right or feel familiar to Windows users. Apple had better hope they created more winners than losers. For me, the new features look like they'll tip the balance. I'll learn to live with the new look. I don't care if it looks more like Android or anything else. I care that it retains enough familiarity that I don't have to relearn the OS.
To me, Apple has always come across as a company that does what they want first. It's just bonus that so many people actually like it. I'm sure I have no idea what I'm talking about.
To me, Apple has always come across as a company that does what they want first. It's just bonus that so many people actually like it. I'm sure I have no idea what I'm talking about.

There was a time when that attitude cost them dearly. Their insistence on having their own operating system on their own hardware, when the rest of the industry was content to use a third party OS looked like a huge mistake not very many years ago. Now? Not so much. Apple computers are growing faster than the top 4 PC manufacturers combined. In the long run, it looks like their business model was a good one.

Of course, we may be only part way through the timeline that will see Apple crash in flames. I also probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
There was a time when that attitude cost them dearly. Their insistence on having their own operating system on their own hardware, when the rest of the industry was content to use a third party OS looked like a huge mistake not very many years ago. Now? Not so much. Apple computers are growing faster than the top 4 PC manufacturers combined. In the long run, it looks like their business model was a good one.

Of course, we may be only part way through the timeline that will see Apple crash in flames. I also probably have no idea what I'm talking about.

They really did stay the course and it has paid off dearly for them. There was a time when I thought for sure they'd be out of the game completely. So, it's reasonably safe to assume that the feature set will smooth over any grumpiness that stems from the UI changes. What are we talking about anyways? :D
I did not denigrate Apple. I should have used "in my opinion" when I said that Android was a superior operating system. Look at the new features of IOS 7, notice the article mentions all the features copied from Android. Not much in the way on innovation. That's my opinion. I was very interested in the Ipad Mini. I have used Ipads and find them somewhat lacking for my use. :o

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