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I would like to tell you how iPads changed my lifestyle.

some_boy said:
Hi, I'm currently thinking on buying iPad, but i doubt if my internet connection will be fine to use it. What can you recommend me?

It depends. You really need any half decent broadband. I assume very people these days are left on dial up. You need a pc or mac to got content onto the iPad but not necessarily a connection although with the iCloud future and cloud computing in general being the main direction a decent online connection is a must.

Probably as a priority upgrade or get a half decent broadband and then get into the iPad scene. You will never look back.

Totally agree! Cant live without it anymore! How cool is it to be able to create a song lying on the couch with Garage Band, or wander around from room to room in the house like my husband did when he created our first book app, Squeezy. All that is left for apple to do is make a waterproof iPad so you can use it in the bathtub!:)
Totally agree! Cant live without it anymore! How cool is it to be able to create a song lying on the couch with Garage Band, or wander around from room to room in the house like my husband did when he created our first book app, Squeezy. All that is left for apple to do is make a waterproof iPad so you can use it in the bathtub!:)

Hi there...welcome to the forum.

We recognize that you have posted 3 times and have mentioned your interactive book in each. We highly recommend that a review of the rules to refer to 1-time posting of apps.

Ha. This thread is the reason I joined iPF almost exactly a year ago. Very well written lead post, and follow ups.

Good to see it resurface.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
The iPad changed my lifestyle alright. I don't have a life anymore! It seems I'm getting on the iPad for the sake of getting on the iPad and not to get any work done!

Can anyone refer me to a 12-step program? lol...
Just read your review. I've seldom seen such a thorough and well thought out review. If I had been considering the purchase of an iPad when I read the review just now, this review would have convinced me to hand over my hard earned cash. As is is, I've been a very happy iPad owner since November, 2011.
I know the feeling! :D
Anyway, thanks guys, for all the positive comments! Took me almost 30 minutes to write. And it just kinda came to my mind one day. It really is a big impact on the way we live.

I too have just read your review. It's very good and still relevant. Im looking forward to more input. :)

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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