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Anyone regret buying the iPad Pro?

Check out the PCalc app. There is a free version, it multitasks, and it is one of the best calculator apps out there. It also has a notification center widget, which on the Pro is simple in portrait and a full scientific layout in landscape.

I have the paid version, because extras, and I don't want the app to go away.
I just picked one up a few days ago. So far, so good, although it's pretty alien to me, compared to the android tablet I have been using. If I can figure out a way to transfer documents and other saved files to my PC, I'll be much happier. (Transferring with the android was easy with a direct connection via USB cable.) I am very impressed with the sound quality -- watched a few YouTube music videos today; really nice for a tablet.
Well, I have to admit, the iPad Pro is not for everyone; your three points are very valid ... for you.

I mainly got the iPP for the large scree also. And that is wonderful. I have old eyes and any time I can make my view larger is a GOOD thing. :)

I also agree with you that the side-load feature could be more useful - mainly cause I want the ability to decide what apps appear in the side list. I hate scrolling for the one app I want cause usually it's at the very top of the list. And, it'd be even better if all my apps were given the side view capability.

Oh, and I'll be a real happy camper when all my apps use the new Pro keyboard (Tapatalk - I'm talking to YOU).

I can only hope developers are hard at work on this. But, oh, when I can copy a picture in Photos in side view and then paste it right into Keynote, all without having to do any swiping or closing/opening apps? Heaven!

I did find a calculator that does have side view access: Calculator Pro for iPad (Calculator Pro for iPad - Standard and Scientific Calculator by Apalon Apps
Calculator Pro for iPad - Standard and Scientific Calculator on the App Store).

So, obviously, I'm in extreme like of my iPad Pro. Maybe give yours that week and see if it "grows on you"?

Hope this helped.


Thank you. I think your answer is spot on and I think I will just be one of those whom it doesn't fit. Usually I would sell my current version iPad to offset the cost of the newer one but this time my wife will move over to my iPad from her aging laptop. So the Ipp would be all out of pocket and for that price it needs to do nearly exactly what I want it to do. Right now, it doesn't. I do think it will be in my future when we get more app support and much more development of the side bar.

I do have a side bar app that works in slide over on my air and supports dual view on the ipp but, it's not "my" calculator. I'm sure you can understand. Thanks for your suggestion too TP. I'll be keeping an eye on this iPad and see how it develops in future updates, until then I've decided it's going back today. The first one I've ever returned! Now, how to handle my wife not getting my old iPad Air, I may have to get the Air 2, after all I just wrapped a pink case around it in anticipation of the upgrade :)
I just did a little research and it seems the Air 2 has the same keyboard as the Air? Can anyone confirm? The Pro has quite a more advanced keyboard that is nice. I bet they do that on purpose to have more separation between the two.
I may have to get the Air 2, after all I just wrapped a pink case around it in anticipation of the upgrade :)

I don't know if you heard but recent rumors are pointing to a Mid-March release of the iPad Air 3 with 4 speakers, camera flash, 4K resolution and 4GB of RAM... Plus support for the Apple pencil is expected by one source at least... I know none of those specs really address your issues with the pro but since you mentioned possibly getting the Air 2 I thought I'd bring up the possible Air 3 expected in March.

The specs (if true) sound pretty amazing to me. I'm still loving my Pro though so I probably won't be interested in the Air 3 but we'll see what happens.
I don't know if you heard but recent rumors are pointing to a Mid-March release of the iPad Air 3 with 4 speakers, camera flash, 4K resolution and 4GB of RAM... Plus support for the Apple pencil is expected by one source at least... I know none of those specs really address your issues with the pro but since you mentioned possibly getting the Air 2 I thought I'd bring up the possible Air 3 expected in March.

The specs (if true) sound pretty amazing to me. I'm still loving my Pro though so I probably won't be interested in the Air 3 but we'll see what happens.

OH NO! I haven't head of these specs or release date! I just ordered a refurb Air 2 that shipped! If the price stays the same that would be worth waiting for! I do wonder and kind of expect the price to take a jump up if they make 4K displays especially paired with 4GB RAM.
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I just did a little research and it seems the Air 2 has the same keyboard as the Air? Can anyone confirm? The Pro has quite a more advanced keyboard that is nice. I bet they do that on purpose to have more separation between the two.

It is mostly a matter of space. Apple has minimum tap-target sizes for each of its iOS devices, set according to what they consider best UI practices. This would make it really hard to fit all the extra keys on the iPad Air's screen and still leave a comfortable amount of space to view the text.
No regrets so far. I have gotten used to the size and love it. Now that I have finally been able to get the pencil and the keyboard, I will be able to really test it out. So far I like the keyboard. I don't use the pencil as much, still looking for apps to support it other than notes. I'm not really into drawing, but want to be able to use the pencil for taking quick notes in meetings and marking on documents I have.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The size is somewhat of a burden .The Air size and weight was a DREAM coming from an iPad 4th gen .
It is now a two handed device or a desk device .
You can't pull this out on the bus easily .
I use an iPad MAINLY for WORK .128gb + 3G

But the stylus is a DREAM .Finally !Apple's own integrated stylus .
I hope for different nibs for different feels (still a bit plastic on glass)
So Notes in a meeting is a sure use.

Will try it out and force myself to like it ,until the Air line carries pencil support .Then upgrade .Hopefully in March!

I suggest getting iFlashdrive and app .This is a must for work documents .

Only really had it for a few days so the SIZE is still a shocker.
NUMBERS show well ,PAGES just look blown up .
Most apps not yet optimized , or support split view .
I think I'm at the point I'm regretting the Ipad Pro now. I think it's a Great Device and actually really Like it a lot, almost to the point of loving it. Love the size, the Apple Pencil, the sound with the 4 speakers, the screen on it. Now the cons, the biggest one which I didn't realize was the biggest for me until having my hands on it to know, is the inability to pull an image up when playing a game I play almost every night, Draw Something. Now this may be fixed in the future by developers, but right now wasted too much time and with help from others on the forum, trying to find a fix for this. It's just one game, but that keeps me drawing and my love of doing it. I can play the game on the IPP, but have nothing to use as a reference. Where on my Note Tablet, I can use a floating browser window over the top of the app to move around and draw from. IOS doesn't have that capability yet.

Also, I really not having an easy time finding things other than Pictures I save on the darn IPP. If I save something, I can't pull it up from the Tablet itself, because I don't know where it goes or is. I know it's an Apple thing, but I like having a file explorer to use on Android or even my Mac. The point that I have to get out of my chair and go to my computer, because I have to use Itunes to file share, or get something from one to the other, instead of just pulling it up on the ipad and getting it from there, really irritates me. I know they have file explorers and I tried one, but not easy to me to figure out. I like to know where things are and pull them right up or put them where I like them. Now maybe I just don't know IOS well enough yet, but I have one more day or two to like it and I don't see it happening now.

The other cons, a big one is Price. I can spend $649 right now and although it's old tech right now, get an Note Pro and it will do everything I need, plus can root and ROM to keep up to date. Especially play my draw something game with a floating browser window, and I have come to find out that's what I need more than anything. For my needs. As far as the Ipad Pro for Art itself, it's outstanding. I'm an artist by hobby and I enjoy drawing, the IPP is great for that. I love Procreate and have started a drawing on it now I will lose after a few nights work on it, but my tablet for Art on the Side is a secondary thing to playing the drawing game which I do more. I do art on the side, but takes a lot more time, so don't use as much as I'd like, but nice to have. So for Art AAAAA+ for the IPP. Another as others have mentioned not as many apps as I'd like to see to work with the Apple Pencil and IPP. That time I'm sure will fix. I may even purchase again in the future if a Second Generation comes out, but I'd have to do more research on using the IOS. I've had Ipads before, but forgot how difficult things are to do the APPLE way, which alot of times don't seem easy or logical to me. Whereas, Android is more straightforward. Just my Opinion. Glad I got it and tried it, but not for me yet, especially at $1000 for the 128gb wifi. So it's going back tomorrow sorry to say, I will probably miss it some though.
The Apple Pencil can trace through a sheet of thin paper. You could have your drawing on paper and trace it onto the iPad screen with the Pencil.
The Apple Pencil can trace through a sheet of thin paper. You could have your drawing on paper and trace it onto the iPad screen with the Pencil.

That's not what artists (and doodlers like me) mean by a reference image. A reference image is basically just a picture you can look at, for reference, when drawing. In the computer world that's come to mean a small image floating over or near your drawing app, because that's way more convinient than printing it out and tapping it to the monitor. :)

Tracing is different, and many drawing apps do have a trace mode, or you can fake it using layers.
Exactly, thank you Twerppoet. Tracing is not drawing, it's copying. I use a reference for drawing. Say a word in the game like a the name of a cartoon character or you have to guess a movie. I pull up an image from the movie or of a cartoon character or whatever the word is referencing, to draw from. Now I don't do every word in the game this way, I do draw from my mind too or use a reference to give me ideas of my own, but I like to draw from a reference image. Which is how I draw in Drawing programs also, such as Procreate.

Now in ArtRage on my Mac or even in some cases in procreate, I can use a layer for the image and turn it off when coloring the image or move the layer around and resize the image on the layer as a reference, but I also can use the internet in Side by Side with Procreate, so for that it's great. For me though, I don't have time to work on drawings every night that are in Procreate, because that can be many hours and nights of drawing for one Piece. So with Draw Something, I can play every night, helps me to draw quicker and have various subjects and words to draw from, so keeps my drawing fresh and is good practice. I can always make time for that for a couple of hours, where a drawing of mine takes a lot of attention, time, and concentration on my part for the drawing process. It's how I work, not everyone is the same. I Need it to do the one thing for Draw Something and I didn't realize it was the most important thing until I had the IPP and had time to use it. This is something I couldn't find out on a display model at Apple or Best Buy. Just my intended use for it, so it didn't meet my needs.

For me to not be 100% satisfied with it, when it doesn't meet what I need most, doesn't justify the cost. Although as I said, I highly would recommend to other artists and will definitely miss it. Maybe in the future and I will contact Draw Something to see if they intend to update the app for it. I think it would be a mistake not too. It's a very popular drawing game. I would give the IPP and the Pencil both A+, just for my needs B+. Just not there yet for what I need.
No problem. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. You can stick arround anyway, if you like, just to read whatever threads interest you. Next time, if there is one, you'd be more prepared for the switcher shock.

We don't kick the Android kids all that hard. :)

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