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Anyone regret buying the iPad Pro?

I'm prefering Sketchbook Pro over Procreate, but only a bit. Procreate is more powerful (tweakable), but I like the Sketchbook tools better.

Adobe Sketch is cool and responcive, but the lack of good layer support has me using it only for working out ideas; which to be fair is what it seems to be made for.

Hold in mind I am not an artist, just a doodler who likes to play with the apps.

The Pencil works well with all three if these apps.
I'm not a professional artist at all. I've always been drawing since a kid and took it up again with my first, the Ipad 2. Didn't love it though. Then when Samsung made the Note 10.1, really got me drawing again. Almost every night for the past three years. I've had some classes in school and in college, but far from anything a pro could do. I do have some talent though and right now it's my passion and my way of unwinding at night. I also play Draw Something for years to keep me drawing.

I also prefer sketchbook pro, which is what I use on my Note tablet. I also like Artrage, which I received on my Mac when I invested in Intous Pen and touch tablet. Hated the disconnect of looking at my Mac when drawing on the tablet. So the iPP will be my Note replacement.

I Played with adobe sketch at the Apple store and don't quite get it, may not be for me. I'm sure Procreate and Sketchbook Pro will be fine for me. Just want to try all the different apps.
Artrage is also avialable on the iPad. I liked it on the iPad and iPad Air, but haven't tried it on the Pro yet. I'm not even sure it's been udated for the Pro. I should go check that out.

Any way, back on topic (sort of). I'm thinking you're going to love your iPad Pro, as long as you dont' expect too much from it. Yes, it's as good as or better than any other portable drawing tablet (that normal people can afford), but it's still not perfect.
I'm starting to understand that from the very numerous youtube reviews I've been watching on it. I think the problem everyone seems to have with it, is the one I don't have with it. That is "I'm not looking for a all in one Laptop Replacement." I had the SP3 and SP4, and didn't need Windows. I have my Mac for that. I just want a Tablet replacement. One deciding factor is that I heard in one review from an asian artist who had the SP3, Wacom Cintique Companion, and the Ipad Pro, that the IPP doesn't heat up like the first two do. I know that from owning SP's and didn't like it or need Windows. That artist said there are some limitations to it, but not enough to keep me from using it for what I want.

If Samsung was releasing a New Note tablet, I'd be all over it. I haven't heard any rumors or anything about them releasing another Note or Note Pro. So Apple has what I want when I want it. BTW, my Original Note 10.1 is still running like a champ, rooted and running a ROM like the Note Pro's interface, so still works for me at the moment.

The IPP has more surface to draw on and like Android More Apps to try, so giving it a chance.
Only thing once again is the price. I have a feeling it will be worth it though. It is expensive for what it can't do, but still it has all I need it to do. If that makes any sens. lol

Sketchbook Pro is a great app, but I love the layout and UI of Artrage and find it very user friendly. Both great apps. Loving what I see done on Procreate, but probably a little bit of a learning curve after not being on IOS so long.
Tuns out ArtRage is updated for the Pro and Pencil. Not bad. It's a little laggier than the others, but the pen tools are great; holding in mind that the app is focused on re-creating a traditional art look and feel.
Great Thanks! I am more a realist when it comes to my style of drawing. I know artrage is kind of a painting app too, but always wanted to learn to paint.
Smart keyboard and pencil finally showed. A month and 1/2 in with the Pro and a week in for each S-keyboard and pencil. Thoughts?:
I started out 6 months ago with an Air2, which is now my wifes.
The Pro and it big screen are great for content creation.
Spent a major portion of my day, today, marking up a PDF, design, submitted to me for review.
Big screen great for zooming in.
Have edited a couple of videos on it, created some animations, and created a couple of spread sheets I am using almost daily.
Did an acoustic duo gig over this past weekend, setlist and song lyrics on the PRO.
Have installed TouchOSC on it and now use it as a remote, control surface for mixing in my home recording studio. Allows me to sit across the room from my mixing desk and mix a song from the iPad. Or control recording or playback from where in the room.
Have used it to capture song ideas. Garage Band on the iPad sucks, but, if I am sitting around thumping on a guitar and want to quickly lay a track to capture an idea....the Pro is great for that.
Smart Keyboard....welI don't like it. When folded and holding the Pro for typing, holds it a kind of an odd angle.
Using the touch screen with the keyboard as a holder I keep knocking the Pro loose from the magnets.
Pencil....Now here is a tool. Used it a lot this week in my day to day business. So far I have not experienced and parallax...you know where the tip is here but you are drawing over there. ZERO, zilch, zip, nada.
And lastly I have a multichannel audio interface on order that will allow me to turn it into a totally mobile recording studio.

The Air2 was more intimate and great for content consumption. The Pro, made for content creation.

Smart keyboard and pencil finally showed. A month and 1/2 in with the Pro and a week in for each S-keyboard and pencil. Thoughts?:
I started out 6 months ago with an Air2, which is now my wifes.
The Pro and it big screen are great for content creation.
Spent a major portion of my day, today, marking up a PDF, design, submitted to me for review.
Big screen great for zooming in.
Have edited a couple of videos on it, created some animations, and created a couple of spread sheets I am using almost daily.
Did an acoustic duo gig over this past weekend, setlist and song lyrics on the PRO.
Have installed TouchOSC on it and now use it as a remote, control surface for mixing in my home recording studio. Allows me to sit across the room from my mixing desk and mix a song from the iPad. Or control recording or playback from where in the room.
Have used it to capture song ideas. Garage Band on the iPad sucks, but, if I am sitting around thumping on a guitar and want to quickly lay a track to capture an idea....the Pro is great for that.
Smart Keyboard....welI don't like it. When folded and holding the Pro for typing, holds it a kind of an odd angle.
Using the touch screen with the keyboard as a holder I keep knocking the Pro loose from the magnets.
Pencil....Now here is a tool. Used it a lot this week in my day to day business. So far I have not experienced and parallax...you know where the tip is here but you are drawing over there. ZERO, zilch, zip, nada.
And lastly I have a multichannel audio interface on order that will allow me to turn it into a totally mobile recording studio.

The Air2 was more intimate and great for content consumption. The Pro, made for content creation.


Thanks for the review.

In case you missed it, Apple came out with an update for Garage Band and a new app called Music Memos. The second sounds like something you might like.
I meant to preface my original post with:
At first I really disliked the Pro and regretted buying it. Awkward, cumbersome, not an intimate device at all. But over the last month and half of using it every day both for business and pleasure I have come to like it.

Frankly, I love the iPad Pro, the keyboard, and the pencil. Finally, a tablet that is a fine tool---as well as being an entertainment device. The stylus works just like it is supposed to. I spent quite a few bucks on earlier attempts at styluses, but none worked even passably well. The keyboard feels good and is easy to use. And, at last, I can read a full 8 1/2 by 11 formatted paper without scrolling. Wunderbar!
I got my Ipad Pro last Friday and with the limited use of it so far. I like it. I do like having the bigger screen to draw on. My only critique and this is from someone who is an avid Samsung Note line tablets and phones guy. The Samsung S-Pen, still blows the Apple Pencil out of the water, if for one reason and one reason only. I can get much more detailed and find it easier to draw with the S-Pen, because the Pen nib is just like the thickness of a pen.

While the Apple Pencil works well and I like some of it's capabilities, like using the whole tip for shading and such, it's still kind of thick and hard to see sometimes when drawing. I may just have to get use to it, but this was what I disliked about the rubber plain stylii on earlier Ipads. It's way thinner now. I'm not saying you can't get any detail with it, it may just take time to adjust to it for me. I do like it and don't plan on returning it. Much better than the surface pros i tried, but once again, even their pens had a smaller tip. Also, I seem to notice the tip when drawing, maybe because it's not hard like the S Pen tips. Not sure how to explain what I mean.

I do love the Pro though and Hope it will totally replace my Original Note 10.1 tablet. I haven't touched it since i brought the Pro home, so that's a good sign. Only wish they had a floating browser for drawing from internet images. Some of the apps I use can't do the side by side for drawing, like the Draw Something game. I'll figure something out for that though. I downloaded astropad, but not quite sure how it works yet, not very user friendly to me. Procreate is really nice and hope to work more with it. I got the 128gb Wifi version of the Pro and was considering maybe returning for a 128gb LTE version, but should be alright with Tethering. Nice to have just in case, but I think I'll be fine. So far works fine and fast too. Thumbs up on it.
The ArtRage app lets you add a floating reference image and/or use a traceover mode. It's the icon with a pin sticking out of a picture. You can use screenshot to capture images when browsing. Briefly press the home and power buttons at the same time. Images will appear in the Photos app.

SketchClub also has a refernce image feature, but the UI isn't optimized fo thr iPad Pro yet.You can use layers in most other drawing apps to fake a reference image, but it's awkward compaired to the actual feature.

Though I haven't tried it yet, I've heard the Pencil will work through a standard piece of paper, so it should be possible to use the Pro similarly to a tracing lightbox.
Thanks, i totally forgot about using layers in artrage or other apps. I did use that on the desktop version and was a good workaround. I like the idea of screenshot to photos,because it is one of the side by side apps I believe. Looking more for something to work with the draw something game,because I can open an image in side widow next to it, but once I click on other side to the ds game,the side with the image closes. So need something I can keep open to view as I draw. I can do that with procreate which is a big help, so that's good. I don't trace though, that's not drawing. ;) lol

Edit: Just tried screenshot, thanks for the tip, but doesn't work with Draw Something. The game is not optimized for the Ipad pro, so doubt it will ever be an app in the S by S list of apps. Nice to know how to do a screenshot now though. Thanks. I can just open the browser in S by S with a drawing app, so that works for me too.
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I just picked up an iPad pro. So on day one I'm thinking I'm going to return it. I have 3 major reasons for wanting to move to it and one reason I think it might not be the right fit for me. I do not draw on it and that seems to be quite common with iPad pro users? My 3 reasons for it are 1- generally having a larger screen would be nice, that ones MET. 2- I am super interested in the full multitasking, HALF MET. I guess for some reason I thought any and all apps would run side by side. Now I realize they have to support this feature which many of my go to apps don't. They may come along, they may not. 3- I really really wanted to be able to multitask with my calculator app and a few specific others. It does not support it. NOT MET. I know that seems insignificant but it's huge for me using it daily. I just opened a news app I really like and can't open another with it. Now the news app seems too big by itself. In fact I choose to type this on my old iPad Air.

I think I'll give it one week and see how it goes. I'd better quit deleting data off my Air in the meantime though! Oh, I do love the numbers row on the keyboard! Finally!

Anyone have any thoughts on the 3 items? I'd love to hear.
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Well, I have to admit, the iPad Pro is not for everyone; your three points are very valid ... for you.

I mainly got the iPP for the large scree also. And that is wonderful. I have old eyes and any time I can make my view larger is a GOOD thing. :)

I also agree with you that the side-load feature could be more useful - mainly cause I want the ability to decide what apps appear in the side list. I hate scrolling for the one app I want cause usually it's at the very top of the list. And, it'd be even better if all my apps were given the side view capability.

Oh, and I'll be a real happy camper when all my apps use the new Pro keyboard (Tapatalk - I'm talking to YOU).

I can only hope developers are hard at work on this. But, oh, when I can copy a picture in Photos in side view and then paste it right into Keynote, all without having to do any swiping or closing/opening apps? Heaven!

I did find a calculator that does have side view access: Calculator Pro for iPad (Calculator Pro for iPad - Standard and Scientific Calculator by Apalon Apps
Calculator Pro for iPad - Standard and Scientific Calculator on the App Store).

So, obviously, I'm in extreme like of my iPad Pro. Maybe give yours that week and see if it "grows on you"?

Hope this helped.


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