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Anyone rent movies from itunes?

I concur Netflix is the bomb for I pad for 9 bucks you get streaming movies and DVDs to the house. One thing I should say is some times Netflix on 3G can have issues, I find it will freeze up sometimes if you do not let it load long enough. Also there movie selection is so so many Brated movies.
To remove drm protection and convert files you can use MelodyCan media converter. )
It is easy to use and does its job well.
I rented kick ass last night to see what it would look like on my new ipad, but I doubt I'll do so again. I don't rent TV shows, I just buy them for the same price off of amazon's streaming service. And since I have playon I can stream it to my ipad with out any real difficulties.
How long does it take to download a rental movie?

How long is forever? Gave up waiting and went to bed after twenty minutes and still no movie. That sucks.
I just rented an entire season of 24 to watch on a long plane trip. It was great. If I had to turn off my ipad because of landing, I just paused it and watched the rest on the next flight. It was perfect... $.99 what a bargin.
For kids, I'm not sure. I know my children watched videos over and over again. It may not be the best route in that case.
That's my problem too. If I start a movie I want to be able to finish it. Plus it takes foever to down load overseas and if you stat to watch some times it is impossible to finish in 24 hours because it hadn't finised down loading. Policy has to be changed!!!
Machergriff said:
That's my problem too. If I start a movie I want to be able to finish it. Plus it takes foever to down load overseas and if you stat to watch some times it is impossible to finish in 24 hours because it hadn't finised down loading. Policy has to be changed!!!

The only solution to your problem is to wait until the download finishes before starting to watch the movie.

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