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Anyone scratched their iPad 2 screen yet?

Hayles66 said:
I haven't got an iPad 2 but I have never put a screen protector on my ipad1. I never do anything with it, that would put it in danger, it is always in the original Apple iPad cover

It's not a matter of 'putting it in danger' if you are a conscientious owner, but simply accidents, which by definition are unpredictable, do happen, or as in the parable above, scratches occur without the owner even realizing how it got there. It can and does happen, and a screen protector is what gives peace of mind against such accidents.
tzimisce said:
It's not a matter of 'putting it in danger' if you are a conscientious owner, but simply accidents, which by definition are unpredictable, do happen, or as in the parable above, scratches occur without the owner even realizing how it got there. It can and does happen, and a screen protector is what gives peace of mind against such accidents.

I find a screen protector shows finger prints less. I don't have one yet and it is very obvious when comparing my iPad 2 to my wife's iPad 1 which has a protector on it. (work got me the iPad. A reward for sticking around for 25 years)

I will install a protector soon and as I have been using my iPad for a while I will be able to tell how much difference it makes to the responsiveness of the screen.

Regards, Mick
Dr Umfufu said:
Have had the original iPad for a year and during that time I always had a screen protector on it. I now have the new iPad 2 and a smart cover but as yet not put a protector on it. Question is.... How hard is it to scratch these things in normal day to day use? Do I need to apply one or can I just leave it? Anyone out there scratched one yet and regretted not putting a protector on?

I put a protector on mine the moment they come out of the box. And I was glad to have one on the iPod touch when my ferrets got hold of it and chewed the leather case to pieces, which included adding several deep scratches to the screen. In was sure the screen was truly ruined, but when I took the sheet off, there wasn't one scratch! I replaced the screen cover with a new one and bought a hard plastic shell. Always put a protector on. It will save the screen from most damage, including ferret teeth.
ian russell said:
It's true.

I think if it preys on your mind, cover up.

I have a screen protector that is completely invisible and it's wonderful! I am so very careful with my ipad2, which I have had just over two weeks, and yet somehow I seem to have picked up a couple of micro-scratches on the back. Now, maybe I'll just have to accept that it'll get a little wear over time, but i'm also wondering if anyone has tried the Zagg "Invisishield" protectors which have one for the back too...? I can't imagine how it could work as well on the back, given the shaping etc, but I'm currently tempted to dream it might be possible to protect the back too! Anyone have any thoughts on this?
ian russell said:
It's true.

I think if it preys on your mind, cover up.

I have a screen protector that is completely invisible and it's wonderful! I am so very careful with my ipad2, which I have had just over two weeks, and yet somehow I seem to have picked up a couple of micro-scratches on the back. Now, maybe I'll just have to accept that it'll get a little wear over time, but i'm also wondering if anyone has tried the Zagg "Invisishield" protectors which have one for the back too...? I can't imagine how it could work as well on the back, given the shaping etc, but I'm currently tempted to dream it might be possible to protect the back too! Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Other than a Smart Cover, the Zagg film for the back is what I use.
I like it.
Serves it's purpose as it let's me place it down anywhere with no worries.
Adds a bit more grip feel which I like.
That is as far as I will go as can't imagine going without the naked feel on the screen.
To date, not a single scratch since launch day and I use it extensively.
I scratched mine almost right in the center of the screen about 3 weeks ago. It's just a little less than a quarter of an inch and you can't even see it unless the screen is black and you look at it from an angle. I guess thats what I get for not using a screen protector and thinking the screen is invincible! Lol. The same day I found the scratch, I ordered a 3 pack of screen protectors for 10 bucks on eBay. P.S. I also got a little nick on the back and I don't even know where it came from. I bought a case that same day as well. I have now learned, no matter what, always have your device protected, front and back!

Well after a few weeks of trying a few things I have finally settled on the same solution I used for my original iPad which, when it came to sell, was in pristine condition.... A fairly cheap screen protector and an Incipio Feather for the back.... Cheap screen protector because if (or rather when) it gets scratched or damaged I can pull it off and put the next one on. Also, if I mess up the install it isn't a problem to chuck one away and use another as they cost nearly nothing....

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