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slight scratches on the screen of my iPad?!?! ack!

I ordered a screen protector from hdaccesory.com it was $7.00 and it clings it doesn't have a sticky back to it I have used it for a week so far and all is well. it also claims you can take it off and wash it and then use it again but I haven't tried that.
Well, let it be known that Best Buy Canada SUCKS at installing Invisibleshields.

They got 4 pounds of crap between the protector and the screen and it's as crooked as the Eifel tower.

Will return tomorrow or Saturday to get them to fix this stupid thing.
iPad screen scratches

I don't know if this helps but glassscratchrepair.co.uk do a diy glass scratch repair kit that has worked very well for my iPod Nano on a couple of occasions. I haven't had cause to use it on my iPad yet but I will when the need arises.
no no no no no no

Don't use these crappy things on the iPad screen.

The screens they are designed for are NOT touch screens.

Don't use them, you'll regret it!!!

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