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App update issue.

You have go though each one you own, you either see the cloud, open or update.... But my mini still says one app but I can't find it but found them all on my iPad 4

Glad to help!
Doesn't help but I had several applications update today using WiFi. No issues with any. IOS is 6.1.3
Yes! Thanks Marilyn this worked! I still have the white page but the red number is gone. Hope apple fixes this issue soon !

Yes, thanks. At least I've got rid of those stoooopid badges (tho my Update tab is still a pretty white). Yay!

I have a LOT of apps on my iPad. So, I was kind of worried about going through each and every app I've ever gotten from the AppStore. Yikes!!! But, I remembered that I keep my iTunes pretty up-to-date with apps and their updates.

Then, I decided to check and see if I could update the apps on iTunes (and yes, they all updated just fine, there). So, I then looked in the Recycle Bin (on my Windows PC) for those apps that were recycled because of the new updates. That reduced the number of apps I had to look through in my Purchased tab to 25 (I had two updates showing on my iPad - so I wasn't as up-to-date as I thought...but still, 25 is a lot less than 100s! :)).

I found the two that needed updating fairly quickly after comparing the deleted apps to my purchased list.

Maybe my "trick" will help others find their apps that need updating? Doesn't help the white page - but sure helps get rid of that badge.

Thanks again, rhardin, for the tip. Appreciate it.

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It appears you found a solution. But it is not clear to me the exact steps you did to get rid of the unwanted update flag. This is a request for the Moderators to publish a detailed list of instructions to cure this annoying problem. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for telling me about going to the purchased items to do updates. I got them done....but I shouldn't have to go through that to update. But thank you very much.
is the problem here is that apps won't update? How about apps that won't download too?

I guess maybe someone didn't heard about how itunes downloads.

See if you have some music, podcast, video, or other stuff found in the itunes store being downloaded. Stop those and tap on those uodating/downloading apps. I find this the most common reason why apps won't update or download.

If we are now talking about those update icons that won't go away, Try restarting your iPad (Like, the one the removes all data), before that back up your device and then restore it from back-up after doing so. Never had this problem but doing always helped in most of my problems.
The problem here is an Apple problem, whereby iPads running ios 6.1.3 or Lower can't update apps. iPods, iPhones, and devices on iOS 7 beta 3 can update apps without a problem.
Hi .. for the past two days i experienced the above on my ipad 2 app store ..

The red badge still showing the updates but when i opened it, it showed white blank page

Closing the app on the multitasking bar and reopened it did not help, also signing out and resigning back the apple ID ..

The "feature", "purchased", "search" pages all worked fine .,

Anyone also experience this ??? .. Any advise .. ??

thanks ...

I am sure that it is an Apple problem. I have a iPad 4 and my daughter also has the same iPad so I called her and asked her to check her updates page and she has the same problem so it has got to be Apple. Hope they fix it soon.
The problem here is an Apple problem, whereby iPads running ios 6.1.3 or Lower can't update apps. iPods, iPhones, and devices on iOS 7 beta 3 can update apps without a problem.

Ok, so try removing anythung that a person is downloading in itunes. Or podcast or itunes U.
Updating in the purchased list worked for me. (I still see 1 on the iPad, I guess this is an app in the cloud that wants to update?) I am between desktops atm, so I 'have' no cloud, but glad I can stop thinking its an issue I have control over or created.
Updating in the purchased list worked for me. (I still see 1 on the iPad, I guess this is an app in the cloud that wants to update?) I am between desktops atm, so I 'have' no cloud, but glad I can stop thinking its an issue I have control over or created.

Try looking at the iPhone apps in your purchased list, the remaining app awaiting update may be there.
I have and Ipad2 and heres what has worked for me so far. Settings, Reset all settings, turn on wifi, App store, update all, allow time to update all, yes this blows.
Hope this works for you. Very disipointed Apple should have caught this bug.

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