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Apple confirms PrimeSense acquisition, in a deal rumored to be worth $360M


News Team
Jun 22, 2012
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Last week, we were discussing the possibility of Apple buying the company behind Microsoft’s Kinect sensor for a potential use in future iTV products. Now, Apple spokeswoman Kristin Huguet has confirmed the PrimeSense deal to AllThingsD saying the following:

Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans.

A spokeswoman for PrimeSense was just as laconic, saying the following:

We can confirm the deal with Apple. Further than that, we cannot comment at this stage.

Analyst Maynard Um of Wells Fargo Securities thinks that Apple has acquired PrimeSense in order to use its technology for improving its current Apple TV units and not for a future iTV product that Apple could be planning to release on the market:

We believe the announcement may be an indication that Apple is in early preparation for a television offering or material functional improvements to its current Apple TV offering

The acquisition price for the PrimeSense deal is said to be between $345 and $360 million, Bloomberg saying that $350 million was the price that Apple has paid.

Source: AllThingsD

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