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Apple couldn't answer this... iPad with hard drive to TV....


iPF Noob
So, I'm on the edge of a great deal on an iPad (1) I've seen but I was wondering if anyone knew the answer to this before I take the plunge.

We all know about the 'extra' features of the SD / USB reader adapter Apple are now supplying and its capabilities to read files from a powered external hard drive if the iPad is jail broken..
What I want to know is has anyone plugged an SD / USB reader adapter into the piggy backing slot on an HDMI out adapter so that you can watch a film from your hard drive on your TV without copying it to your iPad hard drive?

(I asked apple [twice] if I could use both adapters together and they said they didn't know).
More simply..

If I plug this into this, will they both work simultaneously to view files from an external hard drive on a monitor / TV on a jailbroken iPad 1?
Nope, sorry, it won't work.

I know this because I've tried it myself when someone else asked this question here. I don't remember the thread topic, else I'd link it - but I do remember trying this myself with zero success.

Would've been pretty cool, huh? But, no.

The only way to be able to watch video content using your iPad on a TV is by using the HDMI cable for video output or by buying an Apple TV in the same wifi network over AirPlay.

As for reading medi files from an external drive, you can do so by using a computer, a network enabled harddrive or by connecting your drive to your router is it supports it.

In the end, with the stock version of iPad, you'll have to go over wifi to grab the media files, then output the video using the HDMI cable or an Apple TV only supporting MP4 format.

If you want to watch movies from an external hardrive, supporting several formats, you should get a media player such as Boxee or the Seagate device... I general, you can get one for less than 100$, with a remote, and some of them can be remotly controled using your iPad.

Lately, I've hacked my old Wii to be able to do that. If you have one, search for LetterBomb. It takes 5 minutes to do, install a media player of your choice and enjoy your new Wii. It was collecting dust, but now I can use it as a DVD player, movie player by connecting an external hardrive and even watch some streams from shoutcast. It's easy as copying a few files on an sd card, inserting that card in the wii, booting the wii and opening the message from yesterday...

VicoPad addict!

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