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Apple Inside Secrets

Well i have worked for apple up till now and a few things that i have learned about them seem kinda interesting. First i found out that almost all, if not all, apple DEMO models out there come with different hardware then most consumer models. That is one reason why apple doesn't actually want stores selling demo models that often unless they give special permission. In these DEMO models that apple displays are better optical drives that can read and write at faster speed and are known to be more reliable then the consumer model drives. I have looked at a lot of apple laptops and desktops (iMacs and MacPros) and found this to be true. Also another thing is that the iPad DEMO models allow you to revert back to older firmware then consumer models and that's why apple wouldn't let us sell them to the public. No apple didnt tell me that but when trying to jailbreak the DEMO iPad i upgraded past the current accepted form of jail breaking firmware. So i thought i would try to go backwards and what do you know the apple server verified it and let me install that firmware. So i guess we know that there are models out there that do allow people to go backwards and man o man wouldn't jail breakers like Green Poison love to get their hands on an iPad like that. HAHA so if anyone else has good info please post it here.
I can't speak for superior parts in demo machines, I'm not privy to that information, although I wouldn't put that practice past any manufacturer. It's been known for manufacturers to issue higher spec machines to specialist publications in order to influence reviews in the past for instance.

I haven't jail broken my iPad, but from what I've read you can make copies of certain files on the iPad that allow for older OS re-installation prior to jail breaking if so needed, I believe they're called SHSH Blob files. So to be honest I don't understand the relevance of Apple allowing that functionally on demo machines as it's readily available to the JB community, I would imagine any person considering a JB would save these files as part of the process, for peace of mind if nothing else.

If I'm missing something when referring to the JB aspect, I'm sure the JB enlightened will put me right.
Well i have worked for apple up till now and a few things that i have learned about them seem kinda interesting. First i found out that almost all, if not all, apple DEMO models out there come with different hardware then most consumer models. That is one reason why apple doesn't actually want stores selling demo models that often unless they give special permission. In these DEMO models that apple displays are better optical drives that can read and write at faster speed and are known to be more reliable then the consumer model drives. I have looked at a lot of apple laptops and desktops (iMacs and MacPros) and found this to be true. Also another thing is that the iPad DEMO models allow you to revert back to older firmware then consumer models and that's why apple wouldn't let us sell them to the public. No apple didnt tell me that but when trying to jailbreak the DEMO iPad i upgraded past the current accepted form of jail breaking firmware. So i thought i would try to go backwards and what do you know the apple server verified it and let me install that firmware. So i guess we know that there are models out there that do allow people to go backwards and man o man wouldn't jail breakers like Green Poison love to get their hands on an iPad like that. HAHA so if anyone else has good info please post it here.

I am sorry I really question the above statement regard demo models.

First I was from 1993 to 2008 a certified Apple solutions reseller in Australia. During that time I was also closely associated with Apple and further more ordered on a regular basis "demo" computers. The only requirement was that we had to keep the computers for 4 month before selling them. Not one of the computers purchased was modified or different from any other computer of the same model. In saying that apple stores run custom software for demonstration purposes I again have been able to look at the specs of these computers and they were not moderfied. The hard drives were the exact same as used in computers sold to the public. There is really no reason to change specs on a demo at all as there is nothing to gain.

I totally stand by this statement
I have to agree that this is BS. There is no benefit for the cost, and if it really did happen, everyone would know about it in a flash. (pun intended)
Go to a floor model and pull up the system specs. Looks at the drive and search what the model # is. It wouldnt be hard to find out whats in them, unless they had some weird software to make it look stock which seems like more effort than reward. Sorry but im not buying it.
I am also in the "this is BS" camp.

Let's see... better optical drives? Sure. We all go into Apple stores with our DVD collection to watch movies. Not. In fact I can't recall ever seeing an optical drive in an Apple demo machine being used. I'm sure they have been but it's not on my list of "things to check" and indeed my last Apple store purchase, a MB Air, doesn't even have an optical or magnetic drive.

The ability to downgrade firmware? For what purpose? More likely, if that happened at all, was that the older firmware was still being signed. Heck I can upgrade to 4.3.2 right now, then go back down to 4.3.1... I must have a demo iPad? Nope. It's simply because Apple doesn't immediately stop signing older firmware. It can be several weeks later that older firmware stops being signed.


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