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Guess this is the secret of apple :)

I wouldn't mind skipping updates if they contained only feature upgrades. But updates often include fixes to security problems, etc. For that reason alone, I would not skip upgrades.
I wouldn't mind skipping updates if they contained only feature upgrades. But updates often include fixes to security problems, etc. For that reason alone, I would not skip upgrades.

Indeed! I totally agree. As a matter of fact, there have been many issues with people trying to connect new iPads or iPhones to old versions of iTunes and having nothing but trouble. The same holds true for device updates. Not only do some updates provide better security but they also increase performance or enhance the device in some manner or another. I recommend updating whenever a new one becomes available (unless you're a Jailbreak fanatic, that is.)
I think the truth to this is that as your current processor ages the newer OSs require more and more processing power to keep up with new features. Same as with every other OS and processor combo. Takes more muscle to push bigger features.

That would make sense if the OS upgrades DID anything else. Its been the same OS since the launch of the iPod Touch. I guess they included multitasking back at the iOS 4 launch, but I mean, I don't think that takes much of a processor to accomplish that kind of multitasking.

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