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Apple is now a complete joke!

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I'm not a staff member. :) Just posting a lot. :oops:

It looks like Tapatalk Pro isn't available any more. When I search for it, I don't get it as result, although it's in my Purchased list.
To be honest I have spent a week responding to 2 users. 1100 guests and or users looked at this thread however non responded which indicates to me this is a small issue as if it were a bigger one others would have commented

I just found out Tapatalk pro and Tapatalk HD for iPads is no longer supported by the developer. Tapatalk has been upgraded and is universal to support all devices and yes it is free

I personally have a huge number of iPad users as part of my consulting network whom use safari to log into our web sites and not one has complained. I now believe the ad issue is region base and depended on the ISP provider as it definitely is not on majority of iPads or phones. I receive ad's using safari which are local base or Australian and Queensland. These ads are driven by Google. Not the forum. The ads do not hinder the pointer or touch screen.

Our original forum app is not compatible with the new forum software so many users use tapatalk. Have you taken the phone to an Apple Store and tried using a different ISP connection ?

I will refer this thread to our IT department for comment. Please be aware we have 40 forums so we are by no means a small operation.

Searching google about this issue brings up discussions going back to 2011 but not related to any one forum but more aimed at isp's that have poor filtering.
I am sorry you are having issues on your mobile device and I am doing my best to resolve it. It will take kris from IT to respond however maybe they can shed some light on it. In the meantime please try a completely different ISP and or connection Thank yu for your time
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Guess my issue is a small issue. Sorry, I'll try to keep from replying unless I see others with the same issues I am having. Will hang around to see if my issue is resolved. No other replies to my issue is necessary, thanks for prior replies.
Don't be sorry as it is our job to resolve issues. I am waiting for a response from our IT. Department. Cheers colin
well I never knew a apple product would need, or even offer a add blocker app.

if your smarter then me then you prob. have one.

I installed the app an it works pretty good.

I have also tried a lot of different browsers and IMO Safari is the best, the least choppy and easy to use on my iPad with that said safari is no near what it used to be.

now let's get back to my apple/windows rant.
I came to Apple years ago because of what i was led to believe, non of the advertising, pop up redirects bla bla bla, hack proof, virus proof.

well the only things I can say about Apple now, they are virus proof.

but they are the same as a pc except for viruses,

so if Apple is going to ride the same direction as windows why do they not give us more Hardware options like usb, hdmi ports, more storage at a lesser price for additional software that needs to be added.

now for my blaming Apple, what I have read is that Apple has code script that doesn't allow the same BS advertising, spam, that windows uses , and was also told that's why Apple hates flash.

but now here I sit with a 500$ + pretty cool windows machine.

as for this forum and its advertising, it's probably not the forum owners doing,, it's more likely the software they use, or the service provider?

but then again if they see more money why would they change?

I was in the store yesterday playing with androids and a few surface tabs, my first thought this is how I expect them to work, and it made me think, how come my iPad stepped down to their level.
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Hmmmmm...I just went to try link you added and I do not experience the redirect to the App Store as you experience. Not a member either. Perhaps the forum there recently updated their site to accommodate to these changes.

I fixed it by downloading a add blocker app. jez. more of my 16gb of storage used up.
I suggest go buy another tablet as I cannot offer any more input into this subject. It is obvious to me that you donot want to change. Flash is dead on mobile platforms Hdmi is supported but why use it when Apple TV is so much better. USB is included with the iPad I suggest nothing is going to please you so with that this thread is closed
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