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Apple Releases Update 5.0.1 to Everyone - Includes Bug Fixes and Battery Improvements

Sorry for the double post but I wanted to ask if anyone knows a way to turnoff software update notifications? My iPhone kept repeatedly telling me that a new version of ios was available and there was a red 1 next to my settings icon on the home screen. Can I prevent the iPad from doing this? I don't want that 1 icon on my home screen and repeated messages. Thanks.
I have done all the updates and my battery is still losing power. It is losing 10% an hour even after the latest update. I check any open programs and turn them off. I have also turned off the Location thing. Any other suggestions or do you think it's normal.
It has helped but I still find the battery still depletes fast than it used too.

I wish Facebook built an integral application like twitter
Little Woman said:
I have done all the updates and my battery is still losing power. It is losing 10% an hour even after the latest update. I check any open programs and turn them off. I have also turned off the Location thing. Any other suggestions or do you think it's normal.

I find that if you turn the 3G off that helps & if you are home just use the wireless network & close all applications that your not using :)
I'm unable to upgrade OS , get a message cannot connect to iTunes store retry? My apps are also not updating. Could anyone suggest a quick fix
would really like to know if anyone else is not seeing improvements on the battery life? I feel the battery life is still being drained by something... Has anyone noticed their 3G signal strength improving on iPhone and iPad since the update. Getting more bars on my iPhone 4.

Sent from my Tricked Out, SparklyPink Hearts Black Verizon 32GB iPhone 4 using iPF
would really like to know if anyone else is not seeing improvements on the battery life? I feel the battery life is still being drained by something... Has anyone noticed their 3G signal strength improving on iPhone and iPad since the update. Getting more bars on my iPhone 4.

Sent from my Tricked Out, SparklyPink Hearts Black Verizon 32GB iPhone 4 using iPF

I haven't noticed any improvement on battery life. Mine is still draining.
My ipad is just wifi. I stopped using it about 11PM on Wed. night with 56% battery, and locked it. Put it on the shelf, and got it out again last night around 6PM and it was down to 30%. There was nothing running, and I even have location services and everything turned off for nearly everything. I played some games, checked email, and browsed the web last night, and locked it again around 11PM with 17% battery left. I wonder if it will be dead tonight when I get home.

I certainly hope Apple can fix this, and fast. Can I revert to 5.0?
would really like to know if anyone else is not seeing improvements on the battery life? I feel the battery life is still being drained by something... Has anyone noticed their 3G signal strength improving on iPhone and iPad since the update. Getting more bars on my iPhone 4.

Sent from my Tricked Out, SparklyPink Hearts Black Verizon 32GB iPhone 4 using iPF
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Welcome again and enjoy!
My ipad is just wifi. I stopped using it about 11PM on Wed. night with 56% battery, and locked it. Put it on the shelf, and got it out again last night around 6PM and it was down to 30%. There was nothing running, and I even have location services and everything turned off for nearly everything. I played some games, checked email, and browsed the web last night, and locked it again around 11PM with 17% battery left. I wonder if it will be dead tonight when I get home.

I certainly hope Apple can fix this, and fast. Can I revert to 5.0?
You cannot "downgrade" to iOS 5.0.

For folks experiencing battery issues you might try resetting your iPad (third step below). That has resolved this for a number of folks.

Quit Apps: To quit an app double press the Home button and the Multitasking Tray will appear at the bottom of the screen revealing all of the open apps. Tap and hold any app icon until all of the icons start jiggling. A red circle with a "-" (minus sign) will appear in the upper left-hand corner of each icon. Tap the red circle and the app will close.

Restart the iPad: Press and hold down the Sleep/wake switch on the top edge of the iPad for few seconds until the red slider appears, slide this across to shut the iPad down. Restart the iPad by pressing the Sleep/wake switch until the Apple logo appears.

Reset the iPad: You can do this by pressing the Home button and the Sleep/wake switch on the top the iPad's case and holding them down together for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo. The iPad should then reset itself. The boot up process takes a few minutes and then the iPad should be responsive again. More here:

iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting

FWIW my iPad's battery life has been normal after every upgrade/update (on iOS 5.0.1 now).

Also note that screen brightness has the biggest impact on battery life. Reducing screen brightness from 100% to 50% or 60% can increase longevity markedly. In general unless you're outside that level should still be quite good for normal use.

More about iPad battery life here:

Apple - Batteries - iPad
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