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Apple Removes 256 Apps That Collect Data From the App Store


iPadForums News Team
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MacRumors reports that Apple has pledged to remove 256 apps that analytics firm SourceDNA has discovered to be collecting personally identifiable user information such as Apple ID email addresses via Chinese third-party SDK Youmi, which is already prohibited in Apple Store guidelines.

SourceDNA found the 256 affected apps via its developer tool Searchlight; they represent over 1 million downloads, all of which were violating user privacy. According to SourceDNA most of the developers are based in China, and because the tool kit is delivered in binary, they might not even have known of the privacy issue.

The personal data, such as lists of all apps on the phone, and email addresses associated with the Apple ID of the user, is gathered via private APIs before being routed via Youmi’s servers in China.

Apple has acted on the information that SourceDNA has forwarded to it, and issued the following statement:
“We’ve identified a group of apps that are using a third-party advertising SDK, developed by Youmi, a mobile advertising provider, that uses private APIs to gather private information, such as user email addresses and device identifiers, and route data to its company server. This is a violation of our security and privacy guidelines. The apps using Youmi’s SDK have been removed from the App Store and any new apps submitted to the App Store using this SDK will be rejected. We are working closely with developers to help them get updated versions of their apps that are safe for customers and in compliance with our guidelines back in the App Store quickly.”

Source: Apple Removes Over 250 iOS Apps With Ad SDK That Collects Personal User Data

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